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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? Why is that chipmunk sniffing the water jug? What is he thinking or saying?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

Click here to write captions for more funny photos.

Thanks to Troop 125, Commack, N.Y., for providing the photo.

50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. May I ave som ore

  2. Where’s the on/off swicth!!! I’m thirsty!!!

  3. come on, i know you can get out of there brother, just keep trying!

  4. If I were a human…

  5. The humans have big thumbs, ok! My paw is tiny!

  6. This is the clunkiest microphone ive ever sang in.

  7. look at me arnt i soooooooo c.u.t.e.

  8. Don’t worry Billy, we’ll get you out

  9. BOYS LIFE CHICK // February 26, 2008 at 7:00 pm // Reply

    What a great place to store my acorns!!! Now if i could just press the button to get the maxium weight for this “nutty” thing!!!! : )

  10. I drank too much soda.

  11. Y wing fighter // February 26, 2008 at 5:59 pm // Reply

    This is so much better then birdseeds

  12. Think if I push this button, an acorn will come out? Whats an Igloo anyway?

  13. (music)…..Thought that love was onlytrue in fairy tales(more music) Then I saw your i’m a believer not a doubt in my mind im in love oooooooooooo.

  14. Boy,Am I thirsty!

  15. whats this? oh, i bet you open it like this… nooo!!! it is spilling!!! maybe i should plug it with my mouth…(water spraying) I’m flyyyiiiinnngg…THUD!!! that was fun! I do it again!! oh, no!!! it’s empty!!! oh, wait, more water!!! CHUG,CHUG CHUG CHUG, this not water!!!!!!!

  16. You may call this a small igloo cooler but I call it home

  17. open up!!

  18. were is the GATORADE?

  19. I thought the bathroom was bad, but this is ridiculis

  20. “Honey, you have you seen are lemonade mix? Oh… its under here. Honey, could u give me a hand?”

    -Squashed Squirrel

  21. This punch is too sweet. I demand a refund!

  22. Ahhh, lemonade. How refreshing!

  23. Geese, thats a face only a mother could love.

  24. Here’s the cause of the…. FLOOOOOOOD HELP!

  25. Since all the humans call me small what coudn’t I fit through.

  26. this is a funny lookin’ igloo…

  27. Now, honey don’t be afeared… Me thinks it be’s whiskey or rum… But perhaps I should give it a try before the yougins, for if it were to be poisoned their lives are precious.

  28. Must…drink…water. Should…have…left…saltblock…alone.

  29. Later that day, many of the scouts came down hard with the flu.

  30. ahhh yeah i needed a drink cause a havent hade a drink since wendsday and its friday thats why my tounge is black!

  31. Hey, Finaly someone left me a present! I hope its a Wii or NUTS!!! Lets see PUSH BUTTON HEAR. OK. AHHHHH!!! WATER!!!!!!! I hate these humans!! There allways pulling tricks on me.

    ~~Foamy The Chimpmunck??????~~~

  32. wierd i make lemonade flavor water.and the squriell drinks i…wait a minute!

  33. This lemonade is a little waterd down. Maybe I can add some more mix while they’re out hiking

  34. Italian stallion // February 18, 2008 at 12:45 pm // Reply

    Ah mannnn….. I just hid my nuts under there…

  35. yes finnaly those people give me privacy to do my drink water dance!

  36. Why do they have to do this all the time?

  37. How did u get in there? Did u go through this little hole? What will happen if I push this button? Will it open so I can get in there to?

  38. “Hmm, I wonder what happens when you press this button?

  39. Water?! I wanted soda!

  40. Hey, um, is this what you call a Coffe Machine?

  41. HMMM……. how can I get Alvin and the chipmunks plus my friends chip and dale

  42. After a day of fighting the Battle of Boy Scout Campout, the weary squirell finally reaches the water jug.

  43. Dale? Dale? It’s Chip! Are you all right in there?

  44. Aaaaahhhhhh……out of coffe ALEADY?

  45. finally I can wash my hands!!!

  46. no bodies looking right?

  47. “The Itsy Bitsy Chipmunk”

  48. What does this mysterious contraption do?

  49. COMMON! They just filled it!

  50. Whew! It’s HOT today!!!!! I wonder if they’ll let me BORROW it?

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