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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? What is this raccoon doing and what is he thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

Thanks to “spinachi718” for this great photo.

Click here to write captions for more funny photos.

10 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Hey! I’m trying yo sleep here!

  2. This is the life!!!!!

  3. just a little bit farther!

  4. why do i even bother findin a nickname // October 24, 2012 at 6:45 pm // Reply

    yes i found dinner, now how do i get down ??????

  5. ” yes i found dinner, now how do i get down ??

  6. what? i’m just taking a time-out!

  7. If they are going to give me my dinner, at least hang it where I can reach it!

  8. Why did I eat so much garbage, I can’t get up uhhhh.

  9. “Hey guys, how’s it hanging?”

  10. Just a little closer to get the loot. Ahh! The cops!

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