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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? Where is that elephant going and why is he following that woman?

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. trunk monkey // October 25, 2008 at 2:26 pm // Reply

    NO! I won’t go!

  2. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM,Not in front of the other kids!!!!

  3. Pick it, you know you want to.

  4. I’m not moving…my nose is long enough

  5. Didn’t you say I could Eat That TRUNK! Ha!Ha!Ha!

  6. So there’s the restaraunt! Oh, yeah, I think this lady is leading me to an ambush! I’ve got to get out of here!

  7. Hey,gimmie those peanuts!!!!!!

  8. Elephant: I know you told me not to play with that stick, but why cant you take it out?

  9. ah…don’t eat my hand….silly elephant

  10. Pull harder!Maybe my trunk will reach that pole!

  11. Super Christopher // October 22, 2008 at 4:47 pm // Reply

    So you say I’ll get a bone if I go? No! I’ll do it for peanuts.

  12. i hate it when they use peanuts to make me take a bath. XD

  13. storm trooper // October 21, 2008 at 11:31 pm // Reply

    I told you my nose was long!

  14. chickenlittle // October 21, 2008 at 8:21 pm // Reply

    owwwww mom I promise I won’t do it again!!!

  15. Do I have to go to the park EVERY DAY?

  16. FIDO THE FROG // October 21, 2008 at 3:20 pm // Reply

    Boy,Fido,You sure have put on a lot of weight.

  17. hey mom i want to go to the zoo.

  18. Hey give me those peanuts

  19. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Wow! How did she know I like lemons

  20. why,WHY, do I always have to put out the fire?

  21. YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DESERVE A TRIAL!!!!!!!!!!! I’M NOT GUILTY!!!!

  22. I don’t want to take a bath!

  23. “Long range penut detector…”

  24. I will eat you if you eat the last peanut!

  25. Okay, my nose is right-side out, stop pulling!

    bunny will rule all!! (\__/)


  26. Hey! lady you better be leading me to some peanuts or else your fired

  27. Trainer: Dang, this thing is heavy.

    Elephant: I have a name you know.

  28. I’m so glad they invented seeing eye humans.

  29. chicken killer // October 19, 2008 at 2:46 pm // Reply

    oi! i don’t have a cold don’t take me away!!!!

  30. LaughingJack21 // October 19, 2008 at 9:11 am // Reply

    OW! No mom I don’t want to go!

  31. I’m so hungry I could eat a hand!

  32. Help… she wants to cut off my nose,help!

  33. Give me some peanuts! I’m starving.

  34. Not the diet treats again.

  35. FUTURE MARINE // October 18, 2008 at 8:56 am // Reply


  36. hello i have to go to the bathroom why do you think i am stomping the only reason i am following you is because it is hard to breath when you are tugging my trunk and i hope when we get there you will let go

  37. get up and go // October 17, 2008 at 3:10 pm // Reply

    Good there is the lunch bell. HEY! where did my apple go!!?

  38. Thats MY peanut Lady!!!

  39. Elephant:Dude,do I have to go? Trainer:Yes,you do. It’s your flu shot. Elephant:I don’t wanna go!!

  40. 3-2-1-……fire boogers!

  41. craaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzyjoke // October 16, 2008 at 10:34 am // Reply

    Why do we need to go to the million year old gift shop, it has maggots crawling all over it?

  42. Do I have to go to the doctor?

  43. And it’s Jumbo the racing elephant winning by a nose!

  44. I don’t whana take a bath DA!

  45. Lady: If you’ll follow me this way, we have a outhouse…

    Elephant: *thinking* Why did I even sign up for this tour…

  46. Ahh, mom do we have to go

  47. Are you taking me to Noah’s ark or something?

  48. i am so glad your taking me to the bathroom. i really have to go.

  49. i thougt i was being paid to be looked at … not be a vacum cleaner

  50. BlueLighteningDude // October 14, 2008 at 2:42 pm // Reply

    Why can’t she just buy a leash!?!

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