Write a funny caption for this photo
What’s going on in this picture? Why is that bear hanging out in a tree and what is he thinking?
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Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
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Hah! I am the master of hide and seek! You can’t find me! Hey, where is everyone?
I fall asleep in Alaska and wake up in a tree. Is this one of dad’s “field trips” again?!!
This tree goes, and I go too! I am an enviromentalist!
Man, I sure am glad that Grizzly bear can’t climb. Finally, a moment of peace and quiet. Oh snap, that grizzly’s coming back! He’s not gonna, wait, he’s gonna knock down the tree! Oh great, here we go again! Next time I’ll climb a thicker tree!
ahhh this the perfect tree hey wait a minute is that a man holding a CHAINSAW!
My mom said to find a beehive for honey. Oh, BREAK TIME!!!
Oh, this isn’t where i parked my car!
Man, I’m outta shape!
Those hunters lied there’s the food in this easy to see place!