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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? Why are those Scouts hanging around a portable toilet, and what are they thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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Thanks to “Cubmaster” for providing this photo.

51 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. timmy and the lords of the underworld // January 30, 2011 at 7:48 pm // Reply

    Their’s a spider in there

  2. Den Leader: This is the biggest part of the trip. This is what happens if you buy to much scout popcorn.

  3. Guy in very back: I’m going in, COVER ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. this is SPARTA!!!!!!!!!! // January 29, 2011 at 9:03 am // Reply

    If I have to stand out here for 30 more seconds, those garbage cans look like the way to go.

  5. The Spaceman // January 28, 2011 at 10:36 am // Reply

    this kids, is the portta potty. now one of these has not been seen for millenia. YOu go in, and there is a thing called a toilet. it is very rare…..

  6. KID OPENS DOOR “dont go in there…..its toxic.

  7. scoutleaders first!



  10. Anonomous Person // January 23, 2011 at 12:55 pm // Reply

    Come on already! You’ve been in there for two hours and 34 people are waiting to go!

  11. Scoutmaster:This is the portta-pottey Scouts:Ohhhh! *flush* Scouts: Ewwwww!

  12. Pikachu88_O_O // January 12, 2011 at 4:04 pm // Reply

    This feildtrip STINKS!!!!

  13. grizzelybear // January 12, 2011 at 12:38 pm // Reply

    i told him he shouldn’t of ate that chili dog!!!!!

  14. ds;fjsd;797093 // January 9, 2011 at 5:57 am // Reply

    i knew we shouldn’t have let the girls go first

  15. I don’t even think someone’s in there….

  16. all hail the portapotty! (again) 3 hours later : all hail the portapotty!

  17. The S.S. SCOUT! // December 31, 2010 at 1:52 pm // Reply

    “He probaly ate the bad shrimp at dinner”

  18. Come on, youve been in there for hours!!!!

  19. Den leader: “Stand back everyone! An unidentified flying object has just crash-landed a couple feet away from us.”

  20. how long has he been in there?I have already grown a 5 foot beard!

  21. hippiescout151 // December 24, 2010 at 2:27 pm // Reply


  22. what’s taking so long

  23. Hey dont use up all the toilet paper!!!

  24. COME ONNNNN!!!!! I need to go BADDDD!!!

  25. ahhhhhhhhh! “SPLASH”
    A little help in here!

  26. what a line!

  27. Just looking at it makes me need to go!

  28. what!!!!? a porta poty in my backyard!!!?

  29. Den leader:this is a porta-poty.

  30. a message from the sky

  31. okay that’s it!! im tippin this thing if u dont come out NOW!!!!!!
    Kid in Bathroom: Dude just go behind a bush.

  32. Hey you guys, let me outa here!!!

  33. The S.S. SCOUT! // December 21, 2010 at 7:14 pm // Reply

    Why couldn`t we have went to Las Vegas?

  34. occupied!

  35. i said you should`nt have brought BEANS bill!!!

  36. get out we have been waiting for an hour why did you eat that wild plant

  37. i gota go

  38. Is it safe yet??

  39. Woah!!! Scout camp food does not agree with me. UHHHH

  40. when are they going to put more bathrooms here

  41. OKAY! 2 more minutes and we will tip it

  42. we came 8 miles to find out the porta potey was here!?

  43. HURAY!!!!! Steve earned the porta-jon maret badge!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. welbelo scout cordell // November 29, 2010 at 6:24 pm // Reply

    how long till the scout master gets out!

  45. We told the Scout Mater not to eat that extra bean chili!

  46. We walked three whole miles from camp to the only porter potty in the campground to find that it is out of order? Give me a break!

  47. Hey what is taking so long with Karter in the bathroom?I need to go in there really really bad!

  48. Can we go to the bathroom?

  49. Tommy should never had eaten those prunes.

  50. well, the senior patrol leader said that i’m supposed to clean it up,when he said that he really meant someone in my patrol of course!

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