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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? What are these dogs doing, and what are they thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. full speed ahead!!!!

  2. the crazytown bad boys are here

  3. so much for the carpool lane

  4. speed up there bob there after us!!

  5. how much for a ride to crazytown??

  6. Lower your head im trying to watch the show

  7. “Go straight away. I’ll protect you” said the litle one!!!

  8. Go faster!!!


  10. gydy up doggy!

  11. I’ll get off at the next stop, please.

  12. I’ll take the next stop, please.

  13. Maybe if i close my eyes he wont see me

  14. Hiyo Silver!! Away!

  15. Thanks for the lift but i still cant see!!!!!!

  16. look whos taller now

  17. This worked WAY better than you standing on me!

  18. Public transportation

  19. Forget piggyback, I’m riding doggyback!

  20. Quiro taco bell!!!!!!!! Get me there I can almost smell it.! Eye curomba!

  21. is it just me or is someone on top of me!

  22. you boost, I grab. Was it too much to ask that you stay still for 10 seconds while I grab the treats?! Bad Gonzo! Bad! No more fuzzy little rodents for you!!!

  23. hay budy come just a little higher so I can get the beans,O,no

  24. stay calm, somthings on your back, just ignore it…..why do i always talk to myself?

  25. I am top dog


  27. “He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother”

  28. “I’m King of the world”!

  29. Alright the bulldog is gone now give me my steak!

  30. Little dog:Thank you taxi driver.

  31. the black dog is holding still so the little dog can practice his balance for the balance bar

  32. Hey hold study so i can break out of this dog pound.

  33. Sr.Milkshakes // August 31, 2009 at 10:11 pm // Reply

    Wow! These are really eco friendly aren’t they.

  34. can u go a little faster please

  35. come on bud do a good pushup

  36. just a little bit higher so i can get that dog food

  37. Thanks for the boost, buddy. Now i can see the yankee’s game.

  38. amr13141215 // August 31, 2009 at 7:21 pm // Reply

    hey what do you know it worked i can see farther

  39. move your head i can,t see the movie

  40. Little dog:I can see my house from here!

  41. Wait what are you looking at let me see let me see i cant see

  42. A good friend always has your back

  43. Somthing tells me this property is wortless to build on!

  44. Ican finaly see the movie screen! Thanks Arthur!

  45. Hi-yo doggie! Away!

  46. Little dog:Gentlemen, “say hello to my ‘little’ friend”

  47. higher,higher,perfect

  48. Genusboy123 // August 30, 2009 at 5:54 pm // Reply

    Giddy Up Horsey!

  49. come on my grandma can go faster then you

  50. superhurricane145 // August 30, 2009 at 2:54 pm // Reply

    okay, steady there we almost got the bacon!

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