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How to Draw a Cat

how to draw a realistic cat

Grab a pencil (NOT a pen!) and some paper, and let’s learn how to draw a realistic cat! You’ll start with simple shapes to outline the cat’s head and body. Then you’ll enhance your cat drawing by adding intricate details like the face, ears, whiskers, and tail.

Once you’ve finished, learn how to draw a bear, cartoon dogs, or an elephant.

the head is step 1STEP 1: To start drawing a cat, make a small circle for the cat’s head. Then add a larger circle below it and a larger one still below that for the cat’s body.

the neck and back is step 2 for how to draw a catSTEP 2: Join the circles together with a smooth, curving line to draw the cat’s neck and back on the right-hand side and another on the left for the cat’s neck.

the front leg is step 3STEP 3: Erase the overlapping lines inside the cat’s body. To draw the cat’s first front leg, add an oval overlapping its body and another smaller oval below that. Draw a smooth line around the ovals for the outline of the cat’s leg.

the other front leg is step 4 for how to draw a catStep 4: Erase the overlapping lines in the cat’s leg and the line on its chest. Add the cat’s other front leg by drawing a line from the cat’s chest around the first leg. Now draw an oval overlapping the cat’s front leg and bottom for the back paw.

face and ears are step 5Step 5: Draw the cat’s face and ears, copying the shapes shown here as closely as possible. Erase any unnecessary lines so you are left with a complete cat shape.

whiskers and tails is the final step=Step 6: Draw long smooth lines coming from the nose for the cat’s whiskers. Add a curving tail and erase a small section of the outline where it joins the body. Add some wiggly fur lines on the chest and ears.

Get this cat drawing project and many more in “How to Draw Animals” by Michael Garton. (Michael O’Mara Books, $14.99 softcover. Ages 6 and up.)

10 Comments on How to Draw a Cat

  1. πŸ™‚

  2. Kitten Queen // May 16, 2020 at 7:11 pm // Reply

    now I find drawing cats much easier! ( I love cats )

  3. It really helped me!

  4. Money dude // May 3, 2020 at 12:32 am // Reply

    For 20 years I thought cats start from ovals!!

  5. Love#cool // May 3, 2020 at 12:25 am // Reply

    It is awesome because I got an A+ for my art project

  6. Who do think it is? // April 30, 2020 at 7:57 pm // Reply

    This was a very useful way of drawing a cat. Thanks!

  7. Thanks. It helped me SO MUCH!

  8. Thank you so much! It helped me draw the cat a little better then what I can draw without it.

  9. Had a lot of funny doing cats with my 6 year old daughter (who loves cats!)…thanks!

  10. I love the app

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