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How to Draw an Elephant

Grab a pencil (NOT a pen!) and letā€™s draw an elephant! Hereā€™s how.

Step 1: Begin by drawing a large oval for the elephant’s body and then add a smaller circle for the head.

Step 2: Now draw two long, curving lines, coming down from the head for the trunk. Join them at the end.

Step 3: Draw a tusk coming from the bottom of your elephant’s head, curving across the trunk. Add the tip of the other tusk to the left of the trunk.

Step 4: Erase the overlapping lines inside the trunk and tusk. Draw the ear.

Step 5: Erase the overlapping lines in the ear. Draw two sets of ovals for the legs, and add semicircles at the bottom for the feet.

Step 6: Erase the overlapping lines and smooth out where the different shapes join. Add the other two legs.

Step 7: Erase the overlapping lines in the second set of legs, and smooth out where the different shapes join. Now add a tail. Try to copy the shape shown here as closely as you can.

Step 8: Add lines for wrinkles on your elephant’s trunk, ear, knees and tummy. Give the ear a wiggly edge, add toenail shapes to the feet and give your elephant an eye and lower lip.

Get this drawing project and many more in ā€œHow to Draw Animalsā€ by Michael Garton. (Michael Oā€™Mara Books, $14.99 softcover. Ages 6 and up.)

11 Comments on How to Draw an Elephant

  1. Freda thought your elephant was awesome.

  2. Animal lover // February 4, 2023 at 1:18 pm // Reply

    I tried this and it was hard but fun and adds to my art skill!

  3. Wow I love it

  4. I will be try it is very easy for kids šŸ¤˜

  5. How can u draw an elephant ?

  6. Wow! Nice

  7. That was really hard,but fun.

  8. Great!!!

  9. ThAt wAs haRd.

  10. dad jokes 2121 // September 24, 2020 at 11:13 am // Reply

    great job super fun

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