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Make a flashlight holster for your belt

SAFETY FIRST: Ask an adult to help with tools you haven't used before.


Don’t be left in the dark. This leather holster keeps your flashlight handy.

Editor’s Note: This holster is designed for a belt 1 1/4″ to 1 1/2″ wide.


  • A soft scrap of leather about 8” long, 5” wide and 1/16” to 1/8” thick
  • Hobby knife
  • Metal ruler
  • Pen
  • 3/16” hole punch or awl
  • Two large snap rivets
  • Hammer



Step 1: Place the best-looking side of the leather down and draw the holster and belt loop. For the length of the holster, measure around your flashlight and add 1 1/4”.

Step 2: Mark the holes on the belt loop and holster.

Step 3: Find the center of the holster length and mark off 1/4” segments as shown.


Step 4: Cut out the belt loop and holster.


Step 5: Punch out all six holes.


Step 6: Roll the holster, align the holes and push the rivet through from the inside.

Step 7: Slide the bottom end of the belt loop over the rivet and cap.

Step 8: Align bottom loop holes, push the rivet through from inside, and cap and hammer securely.

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14 Comments on Make a flashlight holster for your belt

  1. Nowadays, you can get mini-maglights that come with a belt-holster for less than the waste of time for this project. At any rate, cute little project (if you’re bored)!

  2. superscout // May 31, 2012 at 2:18 pm // Reply

    i don’t have any leather 🙁

  3. neat! hope my flash light won’t fall out the top.

  4. cool

  5. It works

  6. I’ll use this on my Philmont Trek this summer!

  7. i hope that could also hold nerf pistols

  8. cool

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