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Programming merit badge

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Earning the Programming merit badge will take you “behind the screen” for a look at the complex codes that make digital devices useful and fun. Without programs, today’s high-tech gadgets would be little more than empty shells. But given clear instructions, digital devices can do amazing things and perform operations that would have seemed like magic to people in the past.

By the time you fulfill the requirements for the Programming merit badge, you will be able to work a little of that “magic” yourself. And you might find yourself joining the legions of young programmers who create so much innovative software. Whatever the need, somebody somewhere has written a program to answer it. You could become that somebody. Happy programming!


Get help with Requirement 5! Select a programming language for sample programs, resources, tips, videos and more. Use the dropdown menu to filter languages by industry.


Visit for the latest Programming Merit Badge requirements


Videos and activities used during the inaugural launch of the Programming Merit Badge at the 2013 National Scout Jamboree.

Robotic arm activity video
Factory automation activity video
Embedded programming activity video

23 Comments on Programming merit badge

  1. almost eagle at age 13 // February 4, 2020 at 6:17 pm // Reply

    I love HTML and Javascrpit

  2. I need help to download python

  3. FormerGameDev // June 23, 2019 at 6:31 pm // Reply

    HTML, css, svg, and several others are “declarative” languages that describe something static. Programs make decisions, they loop through lists and act on their contents.

    I wouldn’t mind seeing some of the visual programming languages on the list here, though I wouldn’t want more than one of the three projects to be in one. I think they’re great for separating concepts from the underlying language’s syntax. You can then teach them independently.

  4. MB counselor in NY // March 22, 2019 at 9:12 pm // Reply

    Didn’t the requirements change slightly in 2017? The list on this page still reflects the original 2013 requirements. Please update.

  5. ProgrammerBoiBoss // January 25, 2019 at 5:24 pm // Reply

    You should include Swift.

  6. HTML???

  7. Where’s HTML? Why does this badge content teach CSS but NOT HTML? In my personal opinion, I beleive HTML should also be taught in this merit badge.

  8. do you know whats for dinner 😉

  9. I_like_programming // October 17, 2016 at 9:36 pm // Reply

    why is css not on the list for the GET STARTED PROGRAMMING list?

  10. mr big bri // June 8, 2016 at 9:58 am // Reply

    Entertainment = Gaming

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