Create an emergency pack or kit
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security says when preparing for an emergency situation, start with the basics of survival: clean water, food, clean air and warmth.
The following lists will help you Be Prepared for times of emergency.
Family Emergency Kit
If you must evacuate your home with little notice …
- Three-day supply of water
- Nonperishable foods (including pet food) and a nonelectric can opener
- Eating utensils
- Special foods for any dietary restrictions, including baby foods
- Family first-aid kit
- Battery- or cranked-powered radio
- Flashlight
- Extra batteries (rotate these out regularly so they don’t go stale in your closet)
- Matches in waterproof container
- Blanket or sleeping bag for each family member
- Extra clothing
- Face masks for air filtering
- Soap, wipes, antibacterial gel
- Toilet paper
- Copies of important family documents in waterproof containers
- Signal whistle
- Local maps
- Cash
Major Disaster Preparedness Items
If you can safely stay in your home during an emergency …
- Fire extinguisher
- Tool kit (with ax, shovel, broom, screwdriver, pliers, hammer, coil of rope, coil of bailing wire, duct tape, razor blades, adjustable wrench for turning off gas or water)
- Chart showing location of shutoff valves in your home, including the main electrical switch
- Portable fire escape ladder for homes or buildings of more than one floor
- Portable butane or charcoal stove (to be used outdoors away from the garage)
- Gloves and cloths for cleaning up dangerous spills
- Covered containers for storing waste
- Garden hose kept near an outside faucet
Personal Emergency Service Pack
If you and your troop are called out to serve during an emergency …
- Poncho or raincoat with hood
- Change or underwear and socks
- Small bag with toiletries
- Sleeping bag and waterproof ground cloth
- Map of area where you’re going
- 50 feet of No. 5 sash cord
- Hand ax, folding saw or pocketknife
- Water treatment equipment
- Cook kit and canteen
- Flashlight
- Battery-powered radio
- Extra batteries
- Hard hat
- Personal first-aid kit
- Matches in waterproof container
- Emergency ration
- Pencil and small notebook
- Handkerchief
- Compass and map of the area (and GPS if you have one, with extra batteries)
- Watch
- Facial tissues
- Work gloves
- Face masks for air filtering
Thanks its good to help