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The Wacky Adventures @ Scout Life

Each month, Scout Life magazine follows the adventures of the Scout Life gang. Here is the latest comic from the March 2025 issue:

wacky adventures comic

Text and art by Stephen Gilpin


10 Comments on The Wacky Adventures @ Scout Life

  1. i love the pedro comics. i hope you make many more

  2. i love pedros pages boyslife rocks

  3. Goo gooo GAA GAAA

  4. biuldiholic59 // September 1, 2015 at 8:24 am // Reply

    these are amazing so good however they need more

  5. Eagle Scout // August 26, 2015 at 8:43 pm // Reply

    Pedro didn’t use to have his purple turtleneck. When and why did he don this stylish sweater?

  6. Can you show all the pedro comics?

  7. Pedro is my favorite BL comic character.He is SO funny!!!!!!!

  8. TacoMoustachio // July 29, 2015 at 11:52 am // Reply

    The things I like most about these comics are the silly scenery, the quirky characters, and the all out weird creatures that sometimes will come up.These adventures are very, very, very, very, very, very, very, wacky indeed. My question is, have these comics ever appeared in the newspaper? If no, that should definitely be arranged and would probably make these comics twice as popular.

  9. These jokes are funny

  10. When will they introduce pedro’s mirror/evil twin DERPO?

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