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You Make the Call Baseball Umpire Quiz

11 Comments on You Make the Call Baseball Umpire Quiz

  1. 50% I never watch baseball

  2. MagicCreeper987 // July 22, 2020 at 11:30 am // Reply

    60% works for me.

  3. Iluvechicken // July 2, 2020 at 8:59 am // Reply


  4. I got all star umpire but i have played bAseball for a long time

  5. rookie ump wich is BAD

  6. MLB Baby

  7. on first try i was a(n) minor league ump and im happy with that. i do not watch a lot of sports.

    • A lot depends on the situation. Was the catcher blocking the plate? There can never be a “same time.” You make the call on your judgement.

  8. Hate this

  9. MLB Umpire! #Braves4Life

  10. That ‘foul’ ball is fair..

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