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Help Us Tack Up a Horse in This Quiz!

Which piece of horseback-riding equipment goes where? Help us tack up a horse and find out!

12 Comments on Help Us Tack Up a Horse in This Quiz!

  1. horselover // June 23, 2024 at 8:37 pm // Reply

    ive ridden horses since i was 4 years old, so this was a breeze! got 90% on first try. didn’t know that another term for girth was flank cinch! new fun fact for me, i suppose! neat quiz, i’d just add that other term to the question 😀

  2. i ride every wednesday, but i ride english, so this was a bit confusing at times!

  3. 100% I’ve ridden horses for years but the saddles were western and I ride English so I got a little confused on one 😂

  4. I got 100% and I’ve never riden or had a horse

  5. 3rd time lucky i got 100%

  6. Oh Yea! Got 90

  7. Aced it

  8. 80% what the heck

  9. Awesome its good and cool

  10. Really easy! I love horses so this quiz was a breeze for me, a good review though.

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