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The Hot Chili Pepper Quiz

10 Comments on The Hot Chili Pepper Quiz

  1. always 90-100

  2. i have seeds for the carolina reaper.

  3. 100% on first try!!! 3 words: reading pays off.

  4. I read the article in the magazine… forgot some answers! 🙁

  5. ChiliPepper101 // November 24, 2015 at 7:48 pm // Reply


  6. BOOM! Aced this “spelling” test like Einstein so E-A-S-Y Yawn

  7. 80% with almost no knowledge of chili peppers.

  8. Neither! It is the oil in the chili pepper that contains the capsaicinoids. Water based substances will be repelled. Better eat something fat based; bread, rice, etc. then something wet.

  9. I hate peppers, but I just HAD to take this quiz.

  10. _CAPTAIN_REX_ // November 14, 2015 at 8:25 pm // Reply

    aced this i had a grandpa who would eat the hottest peppers like nothing

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