Scouts Talk About Violence In Video Games
Some of you have seen — or actually played — first-person or third-person shooter video games. Some of these games are great fun. Others, you can’t deny, are extremely violent.
But can violent video games create violent people?
That was the question asked to Scouts from New York state, New Jersey and Pennsylvania who gathered last weekend at King’s College in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., to work on some merit badges.
The Northern Pennsylvania Council-hosted event saw Scouts work on badges such as Architecture, Chemistry, Dentistry, Robotics … and Game Design, one of the BSA’s newest badges.
The Scouts talked about the history of video games and the role of violence in that history.
It’s good stuff. Read more here.
Ive played violent video games and ive never shot anyone or started being violent. Saying video games cause violence is like saying hot wheels cause car crashes
im not violent and i play plenty of shooters
Ive played Rainbow Six Siege which is rated m and i am still a child. I have not started to become a violent person
Violent video games are always going to make violent people. As the Bible says,”The eye is the gateway to your heart. If what goes into your heart is evil,what comes out will be the same.”
HI I am a very good person!
Well, games like minecraft aren’t that bad….
i like it