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10 Funny Campfire Skits

Scouts performing funny campfire skits

Need knee-slapping funny campfire skits? Skip the invisible bench, and try some of these entertaining ideas.

Whether you’re at summer camp, a pack meeting or a weekend camporee, these funny campfire skits are easy to perform and also totally Scout-appropriate — so no worries about making things awkward. From slapstick comedy to clever wordplay, these easy skits will bring the fun without crossing any lines, making them perfect for a night of entertainment around the campfire.


SETTING: Outdoors, with four or more people pretending to rake leaves or dig with shovels. One person stands in the middle, pretending to be a light bulb with their arm raised straight up.
CHARACTERS NEEDED: Boss, light bulb person, three or more workers
PROPS NEEDED: Rakes, shovels (optional)


Boss enters, looks around and focuses on the Lightbulb Scout who is standing still with arms raised.

Boss (sternly): “Hey! I’m paying you to work, not to just stand there. Why aren’t you working?”

Light bulb person (proudly, without moving): “I’m a light bulb!”

Boss (annoyed): “A light bulb? I don’t need a light bulb standing around. Get to work! If you’re still here when I come back, you’re fired!”

Boss exits. Light bulb person remains, arm raised, while the others continue to rake and dig.

Boss re-enters, spots the light bulb person.

Boss (angrily): “Still not working? You’re fired! Get out!”

Light bulb person lowers their arm and walks off stage. The other workers stop working, confused.

Boss: “Why did you guys stop working? Get back to work!”

Worker: “How? We can’t work in the dark!”

The workers exit, leaving Boss alone, groaning in frustration.


SETTING: Open stage space. The people will run in from offstage.
CHARACTERS NEEDED: Four people, sapling holder
PROPS NEEDED: Small sapling or branch


Person 1 (panicked): “The infantry is coming! Head for the bomb shelters!” (runs off)

Person 2 (shouting): “The infantry is coming! Save yourselves!” (runs off)

Person 3 (excited): “The infantry is coming! We should help them!” (runs off)

Person 4 (calmly): “The infantry is coming! Let’s go watch the tanks!” (walks off)

Person with sapling slowly enters, holding the tree.

Sapling holder (proudly): “And here it is … the infant tree!” (holds up the sapling)


SETTING: Outdoors, with “fishermen” slipping and sliding like they are on a frozen lake
CHARACTERS NEEDED: Three people, loud off-stage voice
PROPS NEEDED: Imaginary ice drill, fishing rods


Person 1: “We’re ice fishermen! We’re catching dinner tonight!”

The fishermen pretend to drill a hole in the ice, and they begin fishing in silence.

Off-stage voice booms: “THERE ARE NO FISH THERE!”

They jump, confused.

Person 2: “Let’s try over there.”

They move, drill a new hole and start fishing again.

Off-stage voice: “THERE ARE NO FISH THERE!”

They jump in confusion again.

Person 3: “Let’s try one more spot.”

They move, drill a hole and fish.


They freeze, look around realizing their mistake and run off stage.


SETTING: Open space, with people in a circle pretending to hold an invisible blanket
CHARACTERS NEEDED: Leader, six blanket holders
PROPS NEEDED: None (invisible props)


Leader: “We are the world-renowned Olympic Blanket Flying Team here to perform a campfire skit! And here’s Bruce, our star bouncer!”

They pretend to toss invisible Bruce lightly into the air. The blanket holders’ eyes appear to track him as he goes up and then back down.

Leader: “Alright, higher! One, two, THREE!”

The leader repeats this a few times, with the blanket holders appearing to throw Bruce higher each time. Finally, the leader pauses and pretends to be listening to Bruce saying something.

Leader: “Ladies and gentleman, Bruce wants to go for the world record! Let’s hear it for Bruce!”

The leader encourages the audience to clap and cheer. On the count of three, the blanket holders pretend to throw Bruce really high in the sky. The blanket holders point above the trees as if they’re tracking him, pretending to eventually lose sight of him.

Leader (shrugs): “Oh well, he’ll come down eventually.”

The leader and blanket holders exit the stage, leaving the audience hanging. Later in the campfire program, after a few additional skits or songs, the leader rushes back on to the stage.

Leader (shouting): “BRUCE! He’s coming back! Everybody get ready!”

The blanket holders rush to form a circle with their pretend blanket and “catch” Bruce. Everyone celebrates as the audience cheers.


SETTING: A quartermaster is standing with a pile of socks on stage
CHARACTERS NEEDED: Quartermaster, four Scouts
PROPS NEEDED: A pile of socks


Quartermaster: “Hey, everybody, the new Scout socks have arrived! Come and get them!”

The other Scouts run onto the stage and form a line to get their socks.

Quartermaster: “Alright, how many socks do you need?”

Scout 1: “I need two pairs. I wear one all week while the other is in the hamper.”

Quartermaster (cringing): “Yuck! Oh well, here you go.”

The Scout gets two pairs of socks and walks away. The next Scout steps up to the quartermaster.

Quartermaster: “How many do you need?”

Scout 2: “Four pairs. I change them every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.”

Quartermaster (relieved): “Well, that’s better than wearing one pair all week. Here you go. Next!”

Scout 3: “I need seven pairs.”

Quartermaster (impressed): “Seven? I bet that’s a fresh pair every day, right?”

Scout 3: “You got it!

Quartermaster: “That’s what I like to hear. A clean Scout! Who’s next?”

The final Scout steps forward with a confident smile.

Quartermaster: “And how many socks do YOU need?”

Scout 4: “Twelve pairs, please!”

Quartermaster (surprised): “Twelve, wow! You must really like to keep clean. Why twelve pairs?”

Scout 4: “Well, there’s January, February, March, April, May…”

All Scouts groan as the quartermaster hands over socks.

Looking to write your own funny campfire skits? Get ideas from the Scout Life Think & Grin website with more than 4,000 kid-approved jokes.


SETTING: People standing or sitting in a line with awkwardly crossed arms and legs


Person 1: “Is it time yet?”

Person 2: “Is it time yet?”

Person 3: “Is it time yet?”

The question moves down the line, with each person repeating the question until it reaches the last person.

Last person (loudly): “No!”

The answer passes back up the line from the last person to the first person, with each person repeating “no.” After a few seconds, they repeat the process. Each person asks the question again, and the last person replies “no.” The answer again passes back up the line to the first person.

Finally, after a long pause:

First person (urgently): “IS IT TIME YET?”

The question moves down the line for a third time, with each person repeating the question until it reaches the last person.

Last person: “YES!”

The word gets passed back up the line quickly, and then all the people simultaneously uncross their legs and arms and cross them the other way.


SETTING: Two Scouts are onstage


Scout 1: “Hey, you’re good with first aid. I really need your help.”

Scout 2: “What’s wrong?”

Scout 1: “When I touch my forehead, it really hurts.”

Scout 1 demonstrates by touching their forehead and wincing in pain.

Scout 1: “And when I press on my jaw, it’s also painful.”

Scout 1 touches their jaw and cries out in pain.

Scout 2: “That sounds like something is really wrong. Does anything else hurt?”

Scout 1: “Yeah, when I push on my stomach, it hurts so bad I almost cry.”

Scout 1 pushes on their stomach and looks like they are in agony.

Scout 2: “Let me take a look.”

Scout 2 examines Scout 1, listens to the heart, looks in the ear and has them open their mouth. Scout 2 looks very concerned.

Scout 2: “Well, I don’t know … this seems serious. You better see a doctor.”

Scout 1 nods and staggers offstage.

After a brief pause, Scout 1 returns looking relieved.

Scout 2: “So what did the doctor say? What’s wrong with you?”

Scout 1: “The doctor says … I have a broken finger!”

Scout 2 shakes their head as they both exit.


SETTING: A group of people standing together. One is wearing a sign that says “Mother Mouse,” and the others are wearing signs that say “Mouse Children.”
CHARACTERS NEEDED: Cat, Mother Mouse, several Mouse Children
PROPS NEEDED: Signs labeled “Mother Mouse,” “Cat” and “Mouse Children”


Scene begins with Mother Mouse leading her Mouse Children on a walk. A cat enters suddenly, blocking their path. The Mouse Children freeze in fear.

Cat (threatening): “I’m going to eat you!”

Mother Mouse (in a loud voice): “Bowwow! Bowwow! Bark! Ruff! Arf arf arf! Woof!”

Cat reacts with shock and fear. It quickly backs up and runs away.

Mouse Children (in unison): “Mom, we were so scared! You saved us!”

Mother Mouse: “That’s why it pays to learn a second language!”


SETTING: This funny campfire skit only needs some open space
CHARACTERS NEEDED: Four people, Viper
PROP NEEDED: Napkin or rag


One by one, the people rush in, warning about the Viper.

Person 1: “The Viper is coming!”

Person 2: “Here comes the Viper! Call for help!”

Person 3: “Watch out! The Viper is on its way!”

Person 4: “The Viper is almost here! Save yourselves!”

Finally, the Viper enters, calm and casual, holding the rag.

Viper: “Hello! I’m the Viper! Vere’s the vindows? I’ve come to vipe them clean!”


SETTING: A streetlamp onstage. One person can pretend to be the streetlamp by standing with their arm up holding a flashlight. Another person is obviously searching for something under the lamp.
CHARACTERS NEEDED: Four people, streetlamp person
PROPS NEEDED: Flashlight


Person 1 is searching the ground under the “streetlamp.” After a few moments, Person 2 and 3 join in the search. Person 4 then approaches the group.

Person 4: “Hey, what are you looking for?”

Person 1: “A coin that I lost.”

Person 2: “He lost a quarter.”

Person 4: “Ok, I’ll help.”

Person 4 kneels down and helps search for the quarter. Everyone is searching the same spot of ground.

Person 4 (after a few moments of searching): “Where exactly did you lose the quarter?”

Person 1 (pointing far away): “Way over there.”

Person 4 (confused): “Then why are you looking here?”

Person 1 (with confidence): “Because the light is better over here!”

The group stops, groans in realization and exits the stage shaking their heads.

Do you have a favorite funny campfire skit? Tell us about it in the comments!

2 Comments on 10 Funny Campfire Skits

  1. First Class Scout, Patrol Leader, Smokey, the LOST IN THE MOUNTAINS Ranger Bear Cub Patrol, Troop #749 // January 30, 2025 at 3:52 pm // Reply

    “Purchased from J.C. Penny”

    Item #01. Item #02. Item #03.
    Where did you purchase this item from?
    Answer: J.C. Penny.

    Item #04.
    Where did you purchase this item from?
    Answer: J.C. Penny.

    Last Person: Who are you?
    Answer: “I am J. C. Penny.

    “Purchased from”

    Where did you purchase Item #01, 02, 03, 04?
    Answer: From Ken Moore, customer service representative of

    Last Person: “Who are you?”
    Answer: “I am Ken Moore, customer service representative of

  2. First Class Scout, Patrol Leader, Flagpole Climbing Grizzly Brown Bear Patrol and Flagpole Climbing Raccoon Patrol, Troop 749 // January 29, 2025 at 3:50 pm // Reply

    Two really good scout appropriate campfire skits are: “Purchased from J.C. Penny” (items purchased from J.C. Penny Department Store) and “Purchased from (items purchased from Sears Roebuck and Company Department Store)”..

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