This Eagle Patrol Is Destined For Big Things
If you’re a member of the Eagle Patrol of Troop 9226 in Afton, Minnesota, then you’ve accomplished a lot in your Scouting career.
All seven boys in the Eagle Patrol joined Scouting together as Cub Scouts in elementary school, and now, all seven are Eagle Scouts.
Looks like they chose the right name for their patrol.
A few of the boys play in the orchestra. One earned a varsity athletics letter in mountain biking. Another is on the track team.
All of them completed Eagle projects to benefit their community, totaling 1,240 hours of service.
Click here to read more about Troop 9226’s new Eagles.
Congrats to these fine young men, who do our country proud
Good going. The uniform at times does not make the scout. It is a lot of money.
Nice job gentlemen. You are a great representatives of your families, your troop and your community. You are great roll models for others.
It’s true they are in full uniform shirt, tie, pants. ^__^
Living the Eagle Scout Promise is what is important, not the pants you wear.
~Wild Bill, a.k.a. Great Flying Eagle & Baldrige National Quality Award Founder.
Eagle Scout August 8, 1958