Be Safe Online, Earn Your Cyber Chip
No matter how old you are or how often you use the Internet, it pays to be safe (and smart) online.
Scouts who earn the BSA’s new Cyber Chip will be able to practice safer online behaviors and advise others on issues such as cyberbullying and scams.
The BSA teamed up with NetSmartz, part of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, to come up with some useful advice on using the Internet.
Go to NetSmartz’s BSA homepage and click on your grade level to learn what you need to know, and to earn the Cyber Chip in the process.
I don’t have a phone so I can’t do any of this stuff all I use is my switch
that’s pop
That is really good advice for me to use when I’m on the internet. I’m going to talk to my scoutmaster about earning my cyber chip!!
what they said!
Always let you’re parents know what you’re doing
Just be safe.