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Seven Ways Scouts Can Give Back at Camp

Camp gives you a lot — food, fun and  a place to rest your head at night. 

Why not give a little something back? You actions make a HUGE difference in keeping camp an awesome experience for all Scouts in attendance. And helping the volunteers who make camp happen ensures you’ll have a great place to hang summer after summer.

So we pulled some advice from our team (featured in the May 2019 Boys’ Life). Plus, we asked the true experts (volunteers, parents and leaders) to give us the scoop on how Scouts can give back at summer camp.

Here Are Seven Ways Your Troop, Crew or Pack Can Say Thanks

  1. Help out in the dining hall before and after a meal. You can ask to help serve or help clean up (or both!).

  2. Be helpful, friendly and courteous! Most people you meet at camp are away from home and could use a friend or help nailing everything Scouty.
  3. Show support to Scouts who aren’t part of your patrol or troop. Lone Scouts at your camp may not know anyone there. You can change that by introducing yourself and getting to know each other. The same is true of Scouts from other troops – everyone could use an extra friend!

  4. Serve as color guard for a camp flag ceremony. This is helpful and an amazing experience you’ll remember
  5. Perform a skit or song at the campfire.
  6. Complete a camp service project.
  7. Pick up trash (throw it away and recycle when you can). This one is easy and needs no explanation.

Have your own tips for how to give back and be helpful at camp? Share them with us on Facebook in the post below. Or drop a note in the comments.

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