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Pokemon Diamond and Pearl game review

Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl begin much like any Pokemon game — you’re a kid who dreams of training Pokemon, and you run into a kindly professor who makes that dream come true. In this case the professor is named Rowan, not Oak or Elm, the professors from past Pokemon games.


Graphics: 7.0

Sound: 6.0

Gameplay: 9.0

Value: 9.0

Overall Score: 8.0 out of 10.0

Pros: The best thing about Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl is that they look and feel like a good old Pokemon game. The controls are the same, the goals are the same and the play is similar.

Cons: The new monsters are not especially cool, and some changes to the game aren’t that fun.

There are other story changes as well.

In the past, games began with the professor inviting you to his lab and giving you a Pokemon. As Diamond and Pearl open, you and a friend are exploring by a lake. You find a briefcase in tall grass and are attacked by two bird Pokemon called Starlys. Fortunately for you, that briefcase belonged to Professor Rowan, and you find three Pokeballs inside.

Your string of good fortune continues because after you defeat the wild Starlys, Professor Rowan informs you that the Pokemon you used on the Starlys has bonded with you.

Thus begins two Pokemon journeys: yours and your friend’s. (I’m not sure what your friend’s name will be. The game offers the names Barry and Tyson, among others. I named my friend Doofus, and he lived up to his name.)

You walk from town to town in a land called Sinnoh finding, capturing and training little monsters that you then enter in fights with other Pokemon. Sinnoh is vast and has some really fun puzzles, and some of the gyms make great use of the DS’s ability to render 3D.

As in other Pokemon games, winning fights earns you money, and it earns your Pokemon experience points that make them stronger and sometimes evolves them into more advanced versions of themselves.

One thing Pokemon games have always done right and continue to do right is to offer a certain rock-paper-scissors approach to combat. In many of the past games, you chose between a Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur for your first beast. If you took Charmander, a dragon, you could cook Bulbasaur, the plant Pokemon, in fights—but Squirtle, the water Pokemon, had your number. Squirtle, however, was vulnerable to Bulbasaur’s plant attacks. It all evened out.

Diamond and Pearl have that same rock-paper-scissors balance. The first three Pokemon are fire, water and plant creatures: Chimchar, Piplup and Turtwig.

One thing that stands out about Diamond and Pearl on Nintendo DS is how similar they are to the old Game Boy games. They still have the same turn-based fighting system, the same basic exploration and dialog controls. The game has changed only on the surface.

You can control some parts of Diamond and Pearl using the touch pad controls on the bottom screen, but I found it wasn’t worth the trouble. I played the game using standard Game Boy controls.

Instead of using the select and start buttons to bring out registered items, look for inventory and access your Pokedex, you now have X and Y buttons.

In past Pokemon games, you turned berries into blocks to feed them to your Pokemon. You did this by playing a mini-game in which you pressed a button as a centrifuge spun your berries around.

In Diamond and Pearl, the berry blender is replaced with a pot in which you stir your berries using your stylus as you cook them into Poffins. It’s a cute game that’s not bad, but it’s not especially fun, either.

Overall, if you liked past Pokemon adventures, you should like Diamond and Pearl. They preserve the old games well.

Change Can Be Good: Diamond and Pearl introduce some cool changes. One of these is a new Pokeball called a Heal Ball that lets you catch, heal and use wild Pokemon on the fly. If you’re going into an area where your favorite Pokemon run wild, you can leave an open slot in your party and catch that Pokemon with a Heal Ball. As soon as it’s yours, you can use it.

The biggest changes involve DS’s WiFi ability. In the past, you either needed to link Game Boys with a cable in order to battle other players or swap Pokemon with a friend. Later, Nintendo released a wireless controller for Game Boy, but you still needed to have your friends right there to swap or fight.

DS, with its WiFi compatibility, lets you take fights to the Internet. There’s even a wireless headset that lets you talk to friends as you battle them.

And Change Can Be Not-So-Good: If there’s one place Diamond and Pearl fall a bit flat, it’s in the area of new monsters. Between them, Diamond and Pearl offer more than 100 new monsters to collect. But these new monsters aren’t as cool as most of the originals. You begin with Turtwig, an adorable baby turtle with a tree growing from its head; Chimchar, a baby monkey with a flame on its tail; and Piplup, a baby penguin.


Turtwig, seen here in concept art, is one of the new and overly adorable starter creatures in Diamond and Pearl. He’s sort of a replacement for Bulbasaur.

These creatures are too cute to be cool — or even evolve into something cool.

Of course, there were some goofy original Pokemon. Let’s face it—Mr. Mime was downright embarrassing. But the new monsters include Burmy, which looks like a weed and evolves into Wormadam, which looks like a Chia Pet. That’s not to say you can’t get a kick out of the Diamond and Pearl Pokemon: Nintendo has added new animations to the mix, some of which have hilarious results. The one that really got me is the animation for Machop. It’s supposed to look like he’s boxing, but to me, it looks like he’s making funny duck-like noises by placing his right hand in his armpit and flapping his left arm over it.

On a less comical note, Nintendo has expanded the Pokemon contests in Diamond and Pearl, making them a bit dull.

More: Game tips | Pokemon primer | Games Guru Q&A

50 Comments on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl game review

  1. Really perfect!

  2. This is very interesting site

  3. Very good site! I like it! Thanks!E

  4. ok, guys i am stuck here… i dont know where to go next on Pearl..

    i discovered Fullmoon Island.. now i dont know what to do…. can any one tell me what to do after Fullmoon Island has been Found??

  5. Really good site, and a pleasant suprise… Good Luck!s

  6. pokemon master of 7 gym bages // December 29, 2007 at 10:32 am // Reply

    diamond is good and i have it i picked turtwig as my starter then at LV 18 it evolved . my bestist pokemon is Giratina and dialiga

  7. pokemon maniac // December 29, 2007 at 10:20 am // Reply

    the next pokemon game is pokemon battle revolution am i right + in dimond i picked turtwig as my starter yes i have pokmon dimond

  8. pokemon maniac // December 29, 2007 at 10:13 am // Reply

    this game is so good and i enjoy pokemon as in my nickname my favirit pokemon is dialga


  10. hey guys in some sites day rayquaza’s max attack lvl100(trained) is 399 but mine is 401….. y is that?

  11. i went behind the union room girl and talked 2 her and entered union room. when i went out, i was invisible in the mystery zone. how do i get out?

  12. Its good and helpful but do u no anything about the snowtemple???? is that ok to ask


  13. Nice site… Cool guestbook…

  14. Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative site.t

  15. excellent!u

  16. Fascinating site and well worth the visit. I will be back

  17. Turtwig evolves into Grotle on level 18. Torterra: 32

  18. Really perfect!r

  19. Very effective. Thanx..

  20. Looking for information and found it at this great site…r

  21. Lucky to find you, keep on the good workk guys! Best of luck.

  22. Very effective. Thanx.r

  23. simple but quality, thanks!

  24. legendmaster // December 15, 2007 at 2:59 pm // Reply

    there is a couple ways to get Arceus.The way I got him was the cheat Arceus event.You need the action replay.I have an army of Arceus(493).

  25. Thank you sooooo much!

  26. Nice site its very interesting site! your site is fantastic.6

  27. Awesome!!!u

  28. TorterraFan6778 // December 14, 2007 at 1:35 am // Reply

    Choclate Luxray please help i do not know what to do i have captured heatran, giratina, dialga, rotom, uxie and killed other lengendaries PLEASE HELP ME URGENTLY I HAVE BEEN PLAYING FOR 160 HOURS AND8 MINUTES SO PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSEEEEE HELP TorterraFan6778 urgently please. P.S. any one who knows the answer to this question please post. thanks. XOXOXOXOXOXOX =P

  29. does eneone know were to rename your pokemon at???

  30. Thank for making this valuable information available to the public.

  31. now that is some good advice sam

  32. yo mans i will tell you how to get arseus glith you have to change palakia to get arseus

  33. this is the best by which you can easily defeat elite 4

    Torterra or infernape or empleon LV 65

    Rampardos LV 64 you can find a cranidos in sinnoh underground

    haunter LV 70 a second stage pokemon is neccesary.a girl will trade a haunter for Medicham at snowpint city.this is the best chance to have a fast growing haunter which will easily reach till LV 70 before pokemon league.

    Dialga LV 65.

    Crobat LV 64

    Luxray LV 64

    with the help of this team i defeated elite 4 and cyndria very easily

  34. excellent texture.

  35. Nice effect.

  36. where do u find streanth

  37. Thanks a bunch!t

  38. I love the diamond game more

  39. Your site is very interesting and useful

  40. Very good site! I like it! Thanks!

  41. pokemon d/p is really cool i can’t wait for the next event to get the jhoto starters and manaphy.

  42. manaphy owner // December 3, 2007 at 12:26 am // Reply

    i bet its the best game no other game can beat it

  43. I need help to get to the 8th leader can anyone help me.

  44. Hay fellow pokemanics. ({Waving})

    My Q:

    Dose the GBA Game pak trick REALLY unlock the pokemon that they are said to?

    ie: (FR/ Growlith, LG/ Vulpix, Ruby/ Zangoose, Emr/ Teddyursa, and so on…)

    Accordong to another site all the Game pak Pokemon are supposed to appear at 8% of the time in their listed routes at any time of day, (Zangooose, route 208). Chansy appears at a 5% chance on its routes. I have seen Lots of Chansy, but NO GP Pokemon. So, is this liggit or have I been wasting my time? And, do you need the National Dex for it to work?

    Please, I must know. TY

  45. i think the game is allright but a ps1 game is way way way much better

  46. really useful site! thanks a bunch!!!!!

  47. I like that!

  48. Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative site.

  49. Thanks a bunch!

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