Tips for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
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I began my PokeQuest with Chimchar, the fire monkey, and soon added a Geodude, Shinx and Shellos to my crew. Geodude, who evolves into Graveler and then Golem, is a rock/ground Pokemon who is impervious to electric attacks and stands up well against flying and fire Pokemon. His Magnitude attack wipes out all kinds of opponents, but he is useless against water and plant enemies.
![]() Chimchar, the Diamond and Pearl answer to Charizard, is a cute monkey with a flaming tail. When he evolves into Infernape, his hairdo goes flaming, too. |
Hence, I also have Chimchar, who burns through plants. For fighting water Pokemon, I captured a Shinx, which evolved into a Luxio who evolved into a Luxray—a relatively competent electric Pokemon.
You should always strive to have the basics—fire, water, ground and electric—in your party. You can combine elements (Gyrados has fire and water, Infernape has fire and fight) but you need to cover your bases.
I generally do not carry ghost or psychic Pokemon. I know, there are a lot of you out there who will swear by Alakazam and Mewtwo. But you can teach Luxray Bite—a dark attack that wipes out psychic and ghost Pokemon in a hurry.
Get your water, electric, ground and fire attacks down pat, and you will have an answer for any situation.
Tips from Nintendo
In Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl, the way Moves affect opponents have changed. Physical Moves strike the opponent up close and use the Attack stat, where as Special Moves strike from afar and use the Special Attack stat. Knowing the difference between the two greatly improves your battle strategy.
Have your Pokemon learn moves that cover its weaknesses. For example, have a Fighting-type Pokemon learn a Ice-type or Dark-type move.
Pay attention to a Pokemon’s ability. Quite a few Pokemon have more than one available to them. A Pokemon’s ability like Levitate can make the difference in a battle.
If you have taught your Pokemon the wrong move, don’t fret! There are people in the Sinnoh that can help. Try looking for the Move Deleter or a Move Tutor. These are people who can help you with your troubles.
More: Game review | Pokemon primer | Games Guru Q&A
You can’t make Flashdragon stop saying yall.
Where do you find the move deleter and name ratar on Diamond and pearl ????
max riolu’s happiness at day time and it evolves into lucario
guess what everyone i have a action replay i can get every pokemon i have like a level 100 ho-oh no lie i even have like level 100 suicunes,enties,riakous,articunos,moltress,zapdos,lugia,celebi,mew,and mewtwo i swear to gosh no lie! my friend has like every pokemon he is a real pokemon master!
Hey diamond5505 you need to buy a game shark, im not sure if they have it anymore , but they are handy when you want to get multiple items, such as, rare candys, also masterballs.
Start off with a well balance kind of team like ash does, combine different types of pokemon to get a powerful combintaion, espically when fighting the gym leaders, they only use one type of pokemon each gym either they use rock, water, or ice types whatever. Just remember to raise different types of pokemon because its not good to rely on one pokemon when fighting stronger oppenents.
Everyone should start their journey off with the fire pokemon. It is much eaiser to progress through the game. IF ur stuck on the first gym, don’t freak out lvl up chimchar to lvl 14, then it’ll learn how to use mach punch, don’t evolve it yet. At lvl 39 chimchar learns a good move, slack off, this move allows it to regain health without buying items such as hyper potion. IT won’t recover much, but its good to not waste ur money if u plan on catching legendary pokemon.
and flashdragon plz dont say “yall”
hey im a girl and my middle name is scott (ya my dad’s name) and i just wanted to state that you all are so weird for playing these games you guys should try acting like a boy andf playing football…