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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? What is this polar bear doing and what is it thinking?

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. GOSH DARN!!!! I hate it when the water freezes on mE!

  2. this polar bear has a MAJOR snoring problem

  3. Outdoorsman99 // February 1, 2010 at 4:00 pm // Reply

    All of a sudden, snow seems like an excellent meal.

  4. When polar bears dream of riding giant fish.

  5. so THIS is why Mama said don’t lick the ice



  8. Come here ya fishy!!!!!!!!!

  9. i need a break right pedro?

  10. Why did you punch me?

  11. dude this is awesome but the only problem is my lips our stuck

  12. Hello fishies come to papa

  13. Last night I dreamed I ate the biggest ice cream scoop in the world an I woke up to find a chunk of snow missing!!

  14. HELP!!! My nose is stuck to the ice!!!

  15. Where did my marshmallows go?

  16. Where did my snow cone go?

  17. drbywinnr101 // January 31, 2010 at 6:15 pm // Reply

    Tell the truth. Do you think I’m good enough to make the winter olympics?

  18. He must be dreaming about that cheeseburger again.

  19. I realy hope that the tooth sharpening doctor was right about this… for his own sake

  20. Hey!!! Wheres my fish?!!Give me my fish!!!

  21. Top Scout #1 // January 31, 2010 at 2:55 pm // Reply

    There’s fluffy having another dream about food again.

  22. Top Scout #1 // January 31, 2010 at 2:52 pm // Reply

    I’ll never leave the ground as long as I live.

  23. Top Scout #1 // January 31, 2010 at 2:51 pm // Reply

    Can you hear me!!!!

  24. yummy snow cone:)

  25. gold!!! i fond gold!! i`m rich!! if i could get past the ice!!

  26. Bad fish (choke) I should have stuck to seals.

  27. Can some obe scratch my Back while I enjoy mu munchie

  28. Man! I can’t belive my jaws got stuck in the ice!


  30. Man, and i thought my breathe stunk!

  31. darn! the seal meat isn’t here either.

  32. i’m just digin to china

  33. “snore SNORK!?” huh whre am I and why was I trying to bite the ice!?!?

  34. this is the hardest merit badge requirement ever!

  35. ok,i dropped my quarter somewhere around here.

  36. We ran out of food and my mama says I can’t go past the back yard so I’m go make a short cut to the water. Wow…Wow… The ice is to hard!

  37. i wonder if seals hibernate under ice…

  38. Dude please come back. I just need some food!

  39. Yummy! Is this Polar Ice Flavor! 🙂

  40. one more bite of water, please mom

  41. mmmmm the earth is tasty!

  42. What!!! I left my chicken leg and it becomes a frozen dinner!

  43. Ohhhhhh…I can’t believe I ate the WHOLE thing

  44. dont eat yellow snow

  45. manyjumpingbeans // January 30, 2010 at 4:15 pm // Reply

    Anybody down there? Ok, i’ll go get help!

  46. tons and tons…vanilla ice cream…so good…MORE,MORE,MORE!!!

  47. that baby seal put up a good fight …..

  48. i cant seem to get my mouth on the ice

  49. ahhh!!!!!! where did my paw go !?!?

  50. just….one……more…..lick……

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