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Write a funny caption for this photo



What’s going on in this picture? What is that squirrel doing and what is it thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo


  2. Move a little to the right- No, the other right- Now hold still so I can test this laser.

  3. yoda-blaziken // January 27, 2014 at 8:28 pm // Reply

    Defend your Nuts! This is a security camera

  4. You still don’t fit in the frame, human, so just lie down.

  5. Wait for it… Wait for it… Aha! Now I have proof the squirlls are just squirlly nut-jobs!

  6. Manspider666 // January 27, 2014 at 7:45 pm // Reply

    Say hibernation!

  7. Very funny

  8. hold still,now say ,NUTS! Oh, you moved,alright one more time!

  9. say nuts on the count of three 1,2,3 nuts!!! wait theirs nuts here were are they!!!!!?

  10. Say “nuts”!

  11. huh what what does this thing do maybe its a mirror lets see ‘click’ i’m blind someone help me, get my nuts and replace them with my eyes!!! i’m koo-koo

  12. Mr.FirstClassTesla // January 26, 2014 at 10:58 pm // Reply

    Wow I can see my hidden stash of nuts from here! Wait..

  13. Hold still! I know there’s a nut over there. You can get get it in a second, now say “nuts”!

  14. stop that sqerell

  15. yoda-pikachu // January 26, 2014 at 7:05 pm // Reply

    I’m the director of “A Chipmunk’s Life.” Watch this clip as he tries to take a picture of himself with a battery dead camera.

  16. BioDiverse_Rodent // January 26, 2014 at 6:41 pm // Reply

    If I only had Stereoscopic Vision!

  17. Ahhhh, Nuts. I missed that shot!

  18. That’s it Baby, Work with me, work with me…

  19. If I grow one more inch, I can do my dream job!

  20. scp-229 says // January 26, 2014 at 5:54 am // Reply

    um…………a litte closer

  21. How do I get it to take picture again? Oh yeah, alright everyone say “nuts are awesome”

  22. Yoda-Ruby/Sapphire // January 25, 2014 at 7:54 pm // Reply

    Chippy is a real good photographer, but he wants to be paid in acorns and nuts.

  23. Hold still, I’m almost done.

  24. Marvelous darling! A little more to the left and hold it!

  25. I love pictures. say cheese

  26. Lights camera action!

  27. I’m the photographer! Say nuts!

  28. Alright everybody, gather around! Smile bigger… bigger… bigger!

  29. Darn it, Chip! You blinked!

  30. SONICTheHedgehog // January 25, 2014 at 8:28 am // Reply

    Say “Acorns!”

  31. And… GO Nuts for the camera!

  32. Jerry! will you drop the acorn and stand still?

  33. yes! I stole a camera! now what does it do?

  34. take the picture quick! I hear footsteps!

  35. How do you focus this stupid thing!GAHH!!!!!!!

  36. Put down the acorns and smile for the camera!

  37. “Aww nuts!! If I’m going to be the next Ansel Adams, I have to perfect these leaves of Glacier Park!!”

  38. Mom! Dad! Hold still! I’m taking your picture!

  39. Ready set squirrels

  40. Alright everyone, scooch together for a niiiiice family photo. Say I LOVE NUTS! *click* That’s a keeper! 🙂

  41. Help us stamp out Squirrel photography. It’s so anoying.


  43. say acorns

  44. dang it , I blinked

  45. No, more to the left. Not your left, my left. OK, a little more, no that’s to far. *ugh*! Don’t leave!

  46. Orion the Hunter // January 24, 2014 at 4:29 pm // Reply

    Hello, random person! Let me take your photograph!

  47. say, bob are you thinking what I am thinking

  48. lukester awesome // January 24, 2014 at 3:15 pm // Reply

    HEY!Alvin, stop acting nutty and Theodore, try to hide your stomach.

  49. Work! (Bright light) remember that bright light at the end of the world?!!?

  50. Those nuts are picture perfect

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