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Write a funny caption



What’s going on in this picture? What is that penguin doing and what is it thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

Click here to write captions for more funny photos.

10 Comments on Write a funny caption

  1. The moment when you realize this trip cost you $15,000.00 and you forgot the memory card for the camera.

  2. I’m clumsy and funny looking? You’re the one whose so cold your video camera just froze to your face.

  3. No, you may NOT take a ride in my backpack.

  4. No, I don’t have to pee really bad.

  5. No, my mama didn’t wean me on marigold sees instead of sardines.

  6. No, I’m not a cowardly penguin.

  7. No, my coat is not yellowed with age!

  8. Would you believe we’re surrounded by hungry polar bears? No? How about ravenous wolverines? No? How about angry mice? No? How about cranky plush toys?

  9. No, it’s not a can of sardines!

  10. SkySmalls & The Dink // July 21, 2015 at 1:19 am // Reply

    I’m ready for my close-up.

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