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Write a funny caption for this photo



What’s going on in this picture? What is this prairie dog doing and what is it thinking?

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52 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. We’re allowed to stay here mom! It says no bikes, humans… oh wait do we count as dogs?

  2. “If there are no bikes allowed how come there’s a trail?”

  3. I don’t think the scouts will like the restrictions, but this is the cheapest summer camp around.

  4. awesomesauce // June 18, 2014 at 4:32 pm // Reply

    why is the trail sign pointing to the post? Am I supposed to like walk into it?

  5. The trail leads to a metal stick? Ow.

  6. I can’t see the top!

  7. boyscout14 // June 18, 2014 at 4:12 pm // Reply

    finally!!!a place where I can walk a trail in peace without the fear of being run over or chased!!but the bad news is I have used up all my energy walking from Australia!

  8. king of gamez // June 18, 2014 at 3:58 pm // Reply

    what the heck!?three signs huh?well this one says trail is that way.this one says no bicycles.and this one says no people walking dogs huh?well no sign that says no prairie dogs well i’m going ahead.

  9. Aww, man! I just taught my dog how to ride a bike.

  10. What? Do you REALLY excpect ME to ride?

  11. Ahh, man, I was hoping to get my training wheels off, today!

  12. GrizzlyTEDDYbear // June 18, 2014 at 2:29 pm // Reply

    NO BIKES!!!!???? Wait… that’s good because I only have a unicycle.

  13. uncle louie was here

  14. wow a sign with um what is that red slash mean… ahha oh no what am i going to do, prairie dog blood!!!!

  15. those red criss-crosses meen hugs and love, to bad my arms are so short

  16. hmmm no bikes no pets ,man what can i do here?

  17. it doesn’t say anything about unicycles!

  18. No dogs OR people? What type of camp is this!

  19. I wonder if this applies to motorcycles…

  20. Nate the great // June 18, 2014 at 12:08 pm // Reply

    Finally i have found it the trail of safety no dogs or bikes

  21. Honey, were good to go. It doesn’t say anything about no prairie dogs. Oh and um Tim, put the tv in that hole.

  22. at least t’m a prairie dog

  23. They didn’t say i couldn’t DIG my way there!



  26. ladyaze233 // June 17, 2014 at 11:06 pm // Reply

    Finally something that cant run me over or eat me!

  27. Does this mean I can get these things sweet.

  28. What do you mean no pets ? Good

  29. The prairie dog gazes up in disappointment as he realises he cannot test-ride his new BMX.

  30. Wait, does that mean I can’t ride my unicycle?

  31. That prairie dog looks nothing like me. And why is it being choked by a human

  32. Tree Hugger 173 // June 17, 2014 at 8:02 pm // Reply

    My marker worked! Amazing!!!

  33. No dogs? That’s racist.

  34. Dale! Stop switching the signs around!

  35. Hey Son see we cant have a bike

  36. I don’t have a bike.

  37. aww come on. I like to chase the dogs and bikes.

  38. sillypig6000 // June 17, 2014 at 3:46 pm // Reply

    They’re kiddin’ right? I don’t even have a biking trip planned.

  39. Papa Acachalla // June 17, 2014 at 3:35 pm // Reply

    I wanted to ride my bike

  40. Lucky day! No bikes OR dogs!

  41. I guess I cant bring the prairie dog mobile

  42. mulletballer // June 17, 2014 at 11:55 am // Reply

    good thing my bike broke a week ago

  43. so what? I`m not a dog…unless you count my name. I`M NOT A DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. So, are prairie dogs aloud or not?

  45. good! No dogs! Or those giant wheels that run you over!

  46. One sign down, two more to go.

  47. I don’t have a bike,Big plus!I’m a dog,aPrairie DOG,Big minise.

  48. Swaggmaster // June 16, 2014 at 11:47 pm // Reply

    The sign never says anything about no campfires!

  49. Red is my favorite color…..

  50. fox_frostspear // June 16, 2014 at 8:58 pm // Reply

    Finally, after many years of searching. A place where we are safe from bikes AND dogs.

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