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Write a funny caption for this photo



What’s going on in this picture? What is that bird doing and what is it thinking?

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52 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Thank you zoo! Mmmm hmmm! My favorite meal: IRON!

  2. Uh oh. Somebodies coming. Hide the key and act natural.

  3. Captain Archer // October 30, 2014 at 6:42 pm // Reply

    What a bird has to do these days to get enough Iron in his diet…

  4. metaknightEnterprise // October 30, 2014 at 6:39 pm // Reply

    I really needed more iron in my diet, sooo…..

  5. asternpolecat4 // October 30, 2014 at 6:36 pm // Reply

    they may take our eggs but they’ll NEVER take our freedom!!!!

  6. Agent chicken, reporting for duty!

  7. death monger // October 30, 2014 at 6:02 pm // Reply

    you’re dead to me chains!!

  8. Once I brake out of the Zoo I’ll brake in to the bird seed factory!!!

  9. I cant wait to get out of here

  10. Great, just great. After I try to pick the lock, I get my head stuck in the bars!

  11. Great,just great. After I try to pick the lock, I get my head stuck in the bar!

  12. Because of a big head and a bird brain, I’ve become a jail bird again.

  13. Pink panther // October 30, 2014 at 12:57 pm // Reply

    I need to get out to get the cracker.

  14. comon bro set me free already i’ve ben lookin at that bird treat all day

  15. Hmmm…. Is this food?

  16. Today is the day i PICK A LOCK! With my beak.

  17. polly wants to break free

  18. is it metal

  19. Hey! You! With the camera! Little help!?

  20. Of course, I could also just fly since there’s not a top,but this ways way cooler.

  21. got to get free !!!!!

  22. these changes cant hold me

  23. its hard to do this with your beak

  24. I want to break free! -Queen

  25. Do I have the right key?

  26. Was I supposed to pick the lock or the chain?

  27. Oh my, beak’s aren’t made to pick lock’s these day’s.

  28. Man, these locks are tough.

  29. Ah, my old enemy, Doctor lock!

  30. I’m hurt my family left me.

  31. no chains can hold me!

  32. TheInYourFaceJuiceBox // October 27, 2014 at 9:27 pm // Reply

    AHHHH! Beak Ache!!

  33. ha you fools you can not hold me in this pitifull cage im the smartest bird alive i just need obosibal thumbs!

  34. CREEPER KILLER // October 27, 2014 at 7:24 pm // Reply

    Now all I need are some bolt cutters…

  35. I’m a jailbird an’ I KNOW it!

  36. a snack!

  37. Basketball Boy // October 27, 2014 at 3:55 pm // Reply


  38. Jimmy, I told you not to fly away with that key!

  39. got to tweet the guys to get me out of here

  40. “Shoot I’m stuck again, because of my big head and my bird brain”.

  41. I’m gonna bust out of here tonight.

  42. We’ve all heard the term jailbird before…

  43. JHdestroyer321 // October 26, 2014 at 10:19 pm // Reply

    Who needs thumbs?!?!?

  44. dingle-hopper // October 26, 2014 at 6:47 pm // Reply

    well abracadabra didn’t work… I am going to be late for the troop meeting…..

  45. A jailbirds life…

  46. golden dragon // October 26, 2014 at 4:50 pm // Reply

    Hey lock! ♫Let it go, Let it go!♫

  47. “alright lefty, I’m bustin’ us out.”

  48. Henry Danger // October 26, 2014 at 3:37 pm // Reply


  49. Guess that’s what happens when you swallow the key.

  50. The hamster has a lock-that-doesn’t-lock maybe my will unlock if i wiggle it with my beak!

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