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Write a funny caption for this photo



What’s going on in this picture? What is that dog doing and what is it thinking?

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52 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Thinks he is in laketaho

  2. hmmm… where to go first? The pantry?

  3. I’m cute so give me a push.

  4. he should watch the weather.

  5. i ordered a sled and SNOW

  6. Are you sure this is what a sled dog does?

  7. Have I forgotten something?

  8. Where is the snow? I thought it always snows in winter (even in California)!

  9. now i just need some snow and a push!

  10. Why are you not here yet owner I want to move

  11. If you think by taking away the snow will ruin my fun then think again

  12. MudkipZ175681185165 // November 18, 2014 at 7:09 pm // Reply

    rudolph the doggy cudeer [cutedeer].

  13. Hey where’s the snow????

  14. boyslife expert // November 18, 2014 at 6:28 pm // Reply

    Lets go sleding in summer!

  15. boyslife expert // November 18, 2014 at 6:22 pm // Reply

    Who wants to go sleding boys!

  16. Go on humans! We must win this race!

  17. This takes dog sledding to a hole new level.

  18. Come on Santa, i want to go too!

  19. Whoa! I thought only people rode sleds. Not dogs. What’s next? Do dog get to vote? Are they going to drive cars?

  20. hey! you people! come back its my turn to be pulled!
    come back!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. what do you mean it’s too late?

  22. These people do not know how to walk

  23. onwards!

  24. Now I just need snow

  25. This is the story of how I, Buddy Bark the third, fell of Santa’s slay on top of California and lived…

  26. Santa! Don’t forget your favorite Yorke!

  27. Revenge Santa, revenge!
    (I knew I’d get those elves back someday!)

  28. Snow big deal, at least I’m off the ropes!

  29. I hate it when he runs off chasing squirrels.

  30. forget rudolf its me santa whants

  31. Santa is the reindeer now mwahaha.

  32. Mush humans!

  33. I’m already ready for winter!!!

  34. i want snow NOW!!!!!!!

  35. I must have fell asleep the snows gone

  36. OK… the paws,got the nose,and it’s the middle of summer let’s do this thing!

  37. I am Santa Paws! Now I just need to find some reindeer.

  38. IncontentHamster // November 17, 2014 at 10:37 pm // Reply

    Dont fail me now, snow!

  39. Are you goin’ to pull me or not dude

  40. Cooldude1010 // November 17, 2014 at 8:31 pm // Reply

    Yeah that’s right no sled dogs, SLED HUMANS, HA!

  41. onward to the north pole

  42. Hey who stole all the snow. It was right here last time I looked.

  43. geronimo

  44. that`s funny man

  45. Mr. Pieisgoodimawesome // November 17, 2014 at 4:20 pm // Reply

    i thought it might be nice for a change in riding and flying but Santa just sent me here 🙁

  46. Onward slaves!

  47. Am I gonna sit here or what? Pull meeeeee!

  48. lets go sledding

  49. clone unit cc148 // November 17, 2014 at 3:00 pm // Reply

    The tables have turned on humans! Big time!!


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