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Write a Funny Caption For This Photo


What’s going on in this picture? What is that dog doing and what is it thinking?

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50 Comments on Write a Funny Caption For This Photo

  1. I don’t know about you but I’m hot and dizzy

  2. DON’t wear socks again

  3. I will save you!!!!!!

  4. I will save you!!!!!

  5. That’s why you can’t move

  6. No no no, SIT, not ROLL OVER, SIT.

  7. Have you ever felt in life that all you’re doing is going around and around and around?

  8. uhh your such an adrenaline junkie

  9. Am I next?

  10. Now I know why they are so dizzy on laundry day!

  11. dnanana2019781 // September 13, 2016 at 4:47 pm // Reply

    Um. get out of there or my bath is going to stink.

  12. Save me brother!

  13. Just 30 minutes of torture, alright? 🙁

  14. I will get you soon Fido. I will go get help.

  15. Mommy always said this wasn’t a good hiding place. Stop cheating!

  16. Cuzin, I vill save you!!!

  17. I’ve heard you can get all puffy in those!


  19. Grumpy Gramps // September 11, 2016 at 4:06 pm // Reply

    It was at that point that Ian realized that all of his friends were stuffed animals.

  20. Say something I’m giving up on you….

  21. awesomenessthe8th // September 11, 2016 at 2:25 pm // Reply

    Help! My friends are trapped! Wait, you’re not real!

  22. Don’t worry buddies i’ll save you from that torture machine!

  23. Round and around and around they go!

  24. Let Me In
    Let ME In

  25. My friends!!!!

  26. Real dog: I respect you my fellow mate, it takes one brave soul to do tha…

    Brother Joe: What’s Buster doing?

    Sister Sally: I have no idea.

  27. You steal everything from me. Ecpecially the warm water. GIMME

  28. Hey wheres the entrance I want to come in to

  29. OMG! my friends are inside the washing machine!

  30. I think this is an omen to never role in the mud again

  31. Bobby the boss 5 // September 10, 2016 at 10:09 pm // Reply

    I am very dirty at the moment so I hope they just wash me normally and not like those poor souls

  32. How could they?!?

  33. don’t get me wrong. I’m better than, um… all of you guys… Hey! Did you get my toys?

  34. don’t get me wrong. I’m better than, um… all of you

  35. Don’t get me wrong. I am a great dog. Better than… um, all of you

  36. Troop 1997 rocks // September 10, 2016 at 8:14 pm // Reply

    That’s what you get

  37. What’s happening! there spinning!

  38. how to clean your dog in 10 minutes

  39. What’s up next door neighbors.

  40. Free my brothers

  41. what is going on

  42. I will help you my fuzzy freinds.

  43. “And now, my four-legged canine brothers, a moment of silence for our brethren trapped in the most testing bath of all.”

  44. Bath time was bad enough already, but now THIS?!

  45. Buddy! Don’t worry. I’ll get you out of there somehow.

  46. Omg! Is that me… Or, wait, NOOOOO TIMMY!

  47. im sorry i couldnt save you i tried but i couldnt dont worry i will always remember you

  48. ughhhh i think im sick good bye bunny

  49. So yeah, I’ll see you on Tuesday!


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