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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? What is this animal doing and what is it thinking?

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51 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Creature kid // October 29, 2010 at 2:53 pm // Reply

    1. Scare away all the scouts.
    2. Sneak into their camp & eat all their food.
    3. Be a very happy (and full) wolverine.

  2. If I have something in my teeth please get it out

  3. funny hat guy // October 28, 2010 at 11:08 pm // Reply

    Do I really have Five cavities?

  4. DENTIST!!!!

  5. Get off my lawn!

  6. nap time

  7. NINJA CHICHIN 5000 // October 28, 2010 at 7:38 pm // Reply


  8. little buddy // October 28, 2010 at 6:34 pm // Reply

    STAY AWAY !!!!!!! I have dirty teeth and i’m not afraid to use them.

  9. OOOOOWWWW. who stepped on my tail?

  10. Looks like the salmon are hunting me now.

  11. Hey! That was my fishy!!!

  12. come on ant, get in here. I’ve been waiting all day.

  13. Mom! I’m sleepy!

  14. Lolmaster9001 // October 27, 2010 at 10:26 pm // Reply

    Ahhhh!!! I shouldn’t have tried to be a woodpecker. Anyone have a toothbrush, please?

  15. YAWN im tired!!

  16. Smile for the camera!!!

  17. HA Ha! jane just ran into that flower shop i cant believe she was texting!

  18. I’m so lazy that I’m just going to sit and wait for a fish to swim into my mouth.

  19. whatwouldjesusdo // October 27, 2010 at 4:47 pm // Reply

    “Nobody told me that hotdogs don’t have legs!”

  20. and the worst part is he still in love with her

  21. OH NO!A hairball

  22. ahhhhh! something is in my throte!

  23. monkeybreath // October 26, 2010 at 6:38 pm // Reply

    just practicing for my yodeling audition

  24. Do I have Spinach in my teeth?

  25. orpikrocks44 // October 26, 2010 at 6:11 pm // Reply

    this is my tee trunk STAY OFF!

  26. Aww! I hate getting wet!

  27. Ow! Istubed my toe!

  28. bad fish tast!!!!blek!!!!!

  29. ah thats the spot!

  30. Pika Power10 // October 26, 2010 at 10:29 am // Reply

    i hope my singing doesn’t shatter the rock i’m sitting on

  31. Doc can you just lemme know if I have tonsils or not?

  32. chough!! Who here knows the heimlech manover

  33. come on little rat, climb in the cave with yellow stalagtites…

  34. look i`am a cat

  35. Ahhhhhh! Aunt Sally is coming over!

  36. that’s right! you better run away!

  37. aaaaaaah! i thought we had off today!

  38. wait,we had homework?!

  39. NOOOO! my precious chicken nugget!

  40. redbone hound // October 25, 2010 at 9:03 am // Reply

    “YAWN”,I should’ve not stayed up drinkinking all those Dr.Peppers
    so I could reclcle them and get that money to go on that field trip.

  41. Anybody want to smell my breath? Anybody?

  42. c’mon dentist!Pull the tooth!Please?

  43. can somebody tell me if I brushed this morning

  44. EagleCoyote5 // October 24, 2010 at 5:10 pm // Reply

    For the last time I am getting a cheeseburger with no onions!

  45. just yawning after a long day at camp

  46. You are looking at the toughest hole on the putt-putt course. (don’t reach in to get you ball back)

  47. Come to papa!

  48. Woah! *Huff*, *huff*, this rabbit is FAST!

  49. Boy am I tired

  50. What a day!

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