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Write a funny caption for this photo

donkey-big.jpgWhat’s going on in this picture? What is that donkey saying and why is he leaning over the fence?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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51 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. My contract says that you must brush my teeth. And don’t stop until they sparkle! This might take a while.

  2. starwars208 // June 19, 2010 at 7:11 am // Reply

    Who’s laughing now? HE HAW. HE HAW HE HAW

  3. Don’t leave me cameraman, come back!

  4. Hey you! Give me a copy of Boy’s Life. I wanna see my idol Pedro.

  5. houstonmustang // May 30, 2010 at 5:05 pm // Reply

    Hey Pedro,stop trying to scare us with your teeth!!

  6. 1 chin-up 2chin-up 3 chin-up man am I tired

  7. indeed i need 2 go to the dentist

  8. Pedro’s Best Friend

  9. So how does it look, dentist?

  10. Two words: Breath Mint.

  11. Now put down the camera and give me some oats.

  12. get up and go // March 31, 2010 at 7:19 pm // Reply

    Yeah, having hooves and all, it’s kinda hard too brush ones teeth

  13. JAILBREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. i’m…choking…

  15. hey buddy listen to me, im pedro, no don’t run away it’s realy me, ordep stole my tacos and my purple sweater

  16. Who wants some waffles!

  17. Is that a carrot?

  18. OH NO! What happened to my back legs? If it weren’t for this fence holding me up, well, I’D FALL DOWN!

  19. No! No! !Please no!Not the camra!ahhhhh!Oh you’re done. Ok.:)

  20. billythekid // March 2, 2010 at 4:37 pm // Reply

    Hey you!! give me that sanwich!

  21. AHH! I’M STUCK!!!

  22. HAY NO PICS!!!!

  23. Hi! My name is Pedro. Have you seen my brother,Ordep?

  24. master cheif // January 28, 2010 at 5:59 pm // Reply

    vampire….. need ….. blood……. now


  26. PSSSSST! Let me tell you a secret….

  27. Please release me, let me go.

  28. Can you get this lettuce out of my teeth?

  29. yoodle!yoodle!

  30. Billy Bob Joe // December 19, 2009 at 4:15 pm // Reply

    Look, I’m buteaful!!!

  31. naaaaaaaarly dude!

  32. mom have you seen my boyslife

  33. hey wait up shreke

  34. where’s my tooth brush!!!

  35. do I have cavities?

  36. CHEESE!!!!!

  37. Mom! Danny stole my Boys Life!!

  38. come on don’t go,what is it is there something in my teeth

  39. Nooba go home // November 25, 2009 at 5:11 pm // Reply

    Shrek’s here but where’s dragon?

  40. LOOK! I’M 3D!

  41. come on ive been eating hay give me youre doughnut


  43. Get me outa’ here!

  44. I’m going to bite you guys!

  45. how do I look? I just got my ears done!

  46. “But i AM smiling for the camera!”

  47. Hey,wait for me Shrek

  48. here’s Pedro!

  49. if this fence weren’t here boy i’d chomp you to pieces

  50. “You need to use some tick tacks or something cause your breath stinks!

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