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Write a funny caption for this photo

donkey-big.jpgWhat’s going on in this picture? What is that donkey saying and why is he leaning over the fence?

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. stooooop laughinggggg!

  2. stooooooop starrrrrrrrrring!

  3. I am a doneky. I Have Donkey KONG video games. Weird, no?

  4. CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. “Yea i’m a donkey, u got a problem with that?”

  6. Don’t Fence Me In

  7. Hatika Omishio // September 21, 2007 at 5:22 pm // Reply

    Oh common give me a bite of that there cookie = Þ

  8. act pretty…act graceful…smiling gets you noticed…

  9. Joe9876543210 // September 20, 2007 at 9:36 am // Reply

    o, hey!! i was at the dentist yesterday, they said my teeth looked horrible, Isn’t

    that just great!! ive always wanted to have bad teeth. hey, are you still there, franky!!

    man, i grosed him out.

  10. hey what the heck!!! feed meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  11. aw man, he got my bad side!

  12. arg! Ill bite u!ARG!!!

  13. I hate the dentist! my teeth are good for the last time!

  14. sargent bedford // September 15, 2007 at 5:01 pm // Reply

    pedros says be happy he wants his teeth brushed

  15. sargent bedford // September 15, 2007 at 4:56 pm // Reply

    pedro looks smily today

  16. hey u pedro can i be hired for your magazine please.i will be your assistant for your comics.

  17. HEY!!!!! FEED ME!!!!!!! I’M HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEY!!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU HEAR?????!!!!!!!!!

  18. FEED ME! Please!


  20. mom Pedro ran away again!!!!

  21. For the bazillionth time, I AM NOT RELATED to the Purple, sweater-wearing, mail-bearing, hay-munching, joke-telling, boss-kissing, burrow you all keep asking me about!!!

  22. Hey, is that Camera thing made out of hay? Lets find out…

  23. Oh, fine it was me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Sup homies

  25. hey!whered that fence come from?!

  26. what is it now?

  27. get away from my

  28. Waufels,waufels whare are waufels at

  29. hey, are my teeth dirty? if they are, brush them please.

  30. the sun is flashing in my eyes. farmer,can i go away now?

  31. am i a donkey talking here?

  32. ow.that gate is stabbing my chin

  33. hey am i funny so i can be on SHREK 4?

  34. ahhh its a pig rolling in dirt ahhhhhh run away !!

  35. I love lugia // September 4, 2007 at 6:53 pm // Reply

    Let’s go dancing.Do you like my teeth?

  36. iloveferaligatr // September 4, 2007 at 6:51 pm // Reply

    “Well, I want to know, when is the soccer game?” The donkey said.

  37. see that tooth is loose!!!!!!

  38. Gosh why’d that rooster go on vacation now I have to wake up the farmer!

  39. Ready for my close up!

  40. I get nervous in front of a camera so I’m practicing my smile for school picture day

  41. Orthodontist?

  42. stormtrooper75 // August 31, 2007 at 10:54 am // Reply

    are you gonna finish your cake?

  43. like my teeth ???? 🙂

  44. hey,guyz whatz goin’ on? i like to play soccer too!

  45. Do you think this is my good side?

  46. Errrrrrrrrrrr!!!! I got to get out of here!!!!!!

  47. Yawn…

    I’m bored. When will my Boy’s Life come?

  48. Heres Pedro the Mail burro for real!

  49. BURP!!!!!!!!!

  50. Smile for the camera!! “CHEEEEEZZE!!”

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