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11 Comments on Write a Funny Caption For This Photo

  1. Do you need something officer I don’t have a license please don’t arrest me.

  2. Lisence and registration please? Alright sir , your gonna haffta step out of the vehicle.

  3. Officer: You are too slow. Get off the road. Kid: What?????????????

    • Officer: you can’t put a bicycle on a tricycle.

      Driver: can I buy a tricycle on a bicycle?

      Officer: uhhhh

  4. Officer: “Sir, I would like to inform you that the speed limit here is 120 mph, and you were going 121 mph!”
    Driver: “But this isn’t Massachusetts!”

  5. Is that supposed to be your pine wood derby car? It’s huge!

  6. First Class Scout, Patrol Leader (Two Stripes on the Shirt Sleeve), Wandering Sea Gull Patrol, Troop #944 // August 5, 2022 at 1:17 pm // Reply

    Officer, my Boy Scout Troop doesn’t sell Girl Scouts of Americas Thin Mints cookies or Do-Si-Does Cookies as a fundraiser for my Boy Scout Troop’s camping program. Would you like a Milky Way Candy Bar, Three Musketeers Candy Bar, Peanut Brittle Candy, or a Fifth Avenue Candy Bar?

  7. I did not rob a bank… so why did you stop me?

  8. Is there a problem officer

  9. Officer is there a problem besides I am a kid speeding?

  10. CrazySonicGamer // August 4, 2022 at 2:08 pm // Reply

    “Officer? I don’t know what a license is.”

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