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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? What is this cat doing and what is it thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

Thanks to “Jay Man” for this great photo.

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51 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. dang it it i thought it was gonna taste like a BIRDY

  2. Its nice being the Scoutmaster’s cat…

  3. What IS THIS Anyway its good

  4. MEOW MEOW Coffe IS SO Good

  5. Campfire Cook // August 11, 2011 at 12:09 pm // Reply

    Caffeine; how we cats can terrorize all dogs in sight. Now excuse me, but I need to go before my human realizes his coffee is gone.

  6. he is sniffing the straw not drinking

  7. Woa… This is like…. AMAZING!!!

  8. Boyscouts: GOT MILK?

  9. Now lets play our favorite game what did master leave on the table

  10. Do they have this in catnip flovor?

  11. even cats need their morning coffee

  12. i’m tring to use my mannors while i drink my milk

  13. mmmm…it tastes so much better when someone makes it for me

  14. Klone Trooper Kid // August 10, 2011 at 9:41 am // Reply

    Uh Oh! The cup is out of coffee!!What a CATastrophe!!!

  15. Mmmm… this better be decaf…

  16. I need my boost when I hunt birds.

  17. Look! I’m drinking a Mouscachino!!

  18. Papa bear`s was to sweet. Mama bear didn`t put anything in her`s. But this is great!

  19. This was before we found Oreo bouncing off the walls



  22. BSA flavor? Must be new stuff!

  23. I need my daily coffee to get those badges. Especially the “hopped up on caffeine”.

  24. I hope there’s a coffee merit badge

  25. I have not had too much COFFEE! COFFEE! COFFEE! COFFEE!!!!

  26. they should make a merit badge for this

  27. star bucks make the best coffee dont worry is decaf

  28. Sparta redneck // August 8, 2011 at 11:00 pm // Reply

    what has no human seen me and my friends make people sick by licking straws

  29. Sparta redneck // August 8, 2011 at 10:58 pm // Reply

    while my owner is gone i will try some

  30. Ahhh. The best part of having your owner be a boy scout.

  31. Who switched my dr peppr for monster

  32. One Awesome Girl // August 8, 2011 at 7:26 pm // Reply

    This doesn’t taste nearly as good as my catnip!

  33. Just because dogs can’t drink hot chocolate doesn’t mean CATS can’t

  34. I wonder what this taste like.

  35. i found out the the secret to staying up at night, coffe!!

  36. girlboyscout // August 8, 2011 at 3:06 pm // Reply

    oh, come on. they couldnt get better coffee? this cup deserves better.

  37. mmmmm…… is this coffee OR bird and fish AND catnip????

  38. johnnathan #1 // August 8, 2011 at 2:53 pm // Reply

    I am prepared for a hurry case of ingested poisoning.

  39. johnnathan #1 // August 8, 2011 at 2:48 pm // Reply

    How old is this stuff?

  40. I’m not a detective I’m a privet eye.

  41. WOW I and I thought hot chocolate was good!

  42. meeeeaaow. this is good what is it

  43. if you take me away from my coke i will cancel your facebook account!

  44. Any more (BURP)

  45. just wait until mr. cramer finds a furball in his Orange Juice!

  46. wow!!!this is really good!!!!!!

  47. How do you get this stuff out of here? It smells so good!

  48. Drinking with a straw is so much easier!

  49. More cream and less coffee next time, ok??

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