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Write a funny caption for this comic

What’s going on in this picture? What is Pedro doing and what is he thinking?

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53 Comments on Write a funny caption for this comic

  1. thats the last time I cram banana peels in cans and leave them outside for a week!

  2. Poisoned Pedro // December 18, 2012 at 5:04 pm // Reply

    Uhh… If I eat this, tell my mom that I love her

  3. Holy alfalfa, I created artificial life in a jar of old alfalfa pudding!

  4. Oh, man! I was supposed to eat that

  5. heypeople,1236 // November 27, 2012 at 8:22 pm // Reply

    Oh no!A mutated combination of pasta,eyeballs,a plant,a banana peel,and a baby octopus!This can only be the work of …Ordep!And probably a crazy hippie too…WEIRDOS!!!!!!!

  6. Dang it, must be expired.

  7. Last time I’ll order from Queasy Treats pasta house!

  8. Am I in sesame street?

  9. Uh,anybody wanna eat this????

  10. is that a person or a tree?

  11. Darn,yall pay or yall here to heck around?!?!?!?

  12. I paid fifty dollars and waited a whole entire MONTH for this?!

  13. little shop little shop of horrors!

  14. did that green dude said it was the best soup in the universe ?

  15. What is that? Is that a squid in a pot? It looks like a plant.

  16. I wish this came precooked.

  17. crazyperson101 // November 1, 2012 at 7:19 pm // Reply

    And it was 30 bucks! Market sellers these days!

  18. Maybe that expiration dates shoud have been taken more seriously

  19. Okay, who put Renecrotoxins in my alfalfa? Yeah, it was probably Ordep (go figure). At least it wasn’t Derpo.

  20. BearGryllsisc00l101 // October 25, 2012 at 8:05 pm // Reply

    good thing that Uncle wasn’t eating… Wait– you WERE?!?!?!? I’ll never eat broccoli again…

  21. note to self: camping near some toxic waste can really affect my alfalfa.

  22. I should stop mixing up the alfala and canned vegetables

  23. Bad hair day, Yeah i get those alot

  24. tony hawk fan // September 29, 2012 at 8:05 pm // Reply


  25. tony hawk fan // September 29, 2012 at 8:05 pm // Reply

    alright! who is the prankster? who put alienator slime in my alfalfa soup? ordep was that you? this is the 100,000,987th time today!!!

  26. tony hawk fan // September 29, 2012 at 8:01 pm // Reply

    will not eat that thing.

  27. Oh man, I forgot to turn my alarm off.

  28. tony hawk lover // September 16, 2012 at 7:04 pm // Reply

    SCREAM! What is that ugly thing? Whatever that thing is it is NOT my alf……..SCREAM! that thing is GROWING! Somebody get that thing AWAY from me!

  29. call of duty MW3 // September 8, 2012 at 8:56 am // Reply

    Dang your weird……….no wonder it was on sale

  30. im gonna need a little more salt…

  31. i love squirrels // September 3, 2012 at 8:04 pm // Reply

    First canned corn, now canned alien.

  32. That is totally weird,but scary I.. I.. AAAAAAAH! It is so scary because it ha ha ha !

  33. “Ugh, not another alien! This is the 89th time today already!”

  34. Aliens are invading , hide!!!!!!

  35. Ahhhhhhh What is that

  36. What’s with this plant it has 2 eyes on it’s head there looking at me mommy is that
    you? im scard.

  37. brotherisaboyscout // August 25, 2012 at 8:26 am // Reply

    Is that you mom?

  38. I knew it was old; but not that old! Oh; no not you mom.

  39. I knew that alfalfa was old but I never thought it would come to this.

  40. thatguyPh.D // July 26, 2012 at 8:34 pm // Reply

    We should really see other… beings. You know, from our own planet.

  41. Uuuuh…..I’m not eatin that.

  42. Alright who’s the prankster

  43. Well, their goes my lunch.

  44. sugar freak // July 8, 2012 at 1:42 pm // Reply

    I asked for green ice cream, not green aliens!

  45. girlscout // July 2, 2012 at 9:25 pm // Reply

    Uh… can somebody please get that… THING out of here!

  46. Sosoocbdsb // July 2, 2012 at 5:46 pm // Reply

    Alright, who put the nuclear waste in my alfalfa?!

  47. am i where i think i am?

  48. Pedro, I am your father

  49. Shotgun ace // June 5, 2012 at 4:46 pm // Reply

    I asked for peas,not aliens!

  50. “When was the expiration date on this alfalfa?”

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