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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? What is that horse neighing about? What is he thinking or saying?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. i surrender!!!!!!!!

  2. horses don’t want to be touched on the ears!

  3. billyjojimbob // September 23, 2007 at 5:45 pm // Reply


  4. you realy think i look like my mom?

  5. me rock out loud // September 23, 2007 at 11:52 am // Reply

    I don’t nkow wat thaat was but it was good

  6. me rock out loud // September 23, 2007 at 11:51 am // Reply


  7. yo,Pedro,give me my job back!!! I don`t like the circus! (clowns scare me)

  8. everybody likes to laugh,even hourses

  9. NO!!!!!! BOB!!! DOEN’T DO IT!!!!!!!!

  10. why did Ieat garlick with dinner?

  11. I know horse code

  12. Hey you come back here I got 9 fingers to go!

  13. Ow! The sun is in my eyes!!!!

  14. never brand me again

  15. I told my mom i needed grills!!!PEDRO HELP ME!!

  16. heys for horse

  17. I just want to lie down!

  18. BLOBBBBBBBBBY // September 22, 2007 at 2:28 pm // Reply


  19. after painting him self black & white & learning too moo charlies attemps to become a cow failed. and after that every day he sighed “why? ‘o’ why? can’t horses give milk”.?!

  20. What!?! I get all dressed up and come down here to see you, and all you can say is that I need to brush my teeth?!?

  21. WAY COOOOOL ! Brush yo teeth horsy

  22. Lightning Mcqueen // September 22, 2007 at 9:31 am // Reply

    Extremely funny.

  23. come on lady, I don’t need braces

  24. haha look at that guy he fell in the mud haha

  25. Even though my dad is a dentist, LOOK HOW I TURNED OUT!!!

  26. I’m mad at some one

  27. Give me oats or give me death!

  28. Hatika Omishio // September 21, 2007 at 5:19 pm // Reply

    Dang…whats with the dentist brushing my teeth i mean they won’t fall out i just brushed them October/28/1655.

  29. Everybody look at them! Look at my kitious teeth!

  30. These new braces are killing me

  31. is my breath fresh, because i eat onions every day and bush my teeth every century!!!

  32. To get to the other SIDE! Get it? Har Har Har! I crack me up!

  33. YOUCH!!!!! Those pepers are hot!!!!

  34. What do you mean I need braces!?

  35. To all dentists: I CURRENTLY HAVE NO DENTIST!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. YIPES!!! Those peppers are hot!

  37. Look Ma no cavities

  38. Horse: Alright, Doc, take a look at these chompers.

    Doc: Yea, you seem to have a deep cavity on this tooth.

    Horse: I knew I shoulda brushed my teeth after I raided that Candy Store just next door.

  39. Oh fine I admit it!So what I have not brushed my teeth in two years!?!?

  40. OUCH!! This thing is to heavy, and why do you feed me peppers?!?

  41. yuck the last time i had my teeth brushed was 1982

  42. I think mom was right. I should have gone to the dentist!!!!!!

  43. What do you mean I should go to the dentist?

  44. Hey get me out of this thing. I need to get to N.Y.C. to visit my cousin Pedro!!!!

  45. “Yawn” i’m gettin to old for this

  46. could u brush my teeth?

  47. i knew I shouldn’t have eaten that broccoli!!!!

  48. Cub Scout Case // September 20, 2007 at 11:08 am // Reply

    “Horse Feathers I say !!!! Cub Scouts are people too !!!!

  49. Hey! Quit yer tuggn’. Igot the idea already!

  50. heigh, Everybody. The life of the party is here. By the way, like my chompers.

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