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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? Why is that chipmunk sniffing the water jug? What is he thinking or saying?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

Click here to write captions for more funny photos.

Thanks to Troop 125, Commack, N.Y., for providing the photo.

50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. “Hurry up I’m dehidrated”

  2. More eggnogg? LIFE IS GOOD!!

  3. “First acorns, next the whole water jug!!”

  4. What’s in this thing ?

  5. ware is the woter? cumon ware is it.

  6. Wow! Look at the size of this yellow nut!

  7. i said i wanted something to drink but this is ridiculous

  8. What is this? Maybe it is…oh I don’t know!!!

    It is pretty though!

  9. Help me! I will die of thirst if you don’t.

  10. I prefer the pond.

  11. They expect me to drink out of this thing well they have another thing coming to them!

  12. he is trying to pull the jug to flout on the water below

  13. i think i see the walnut

  14. hey come on i want some coffe here we go wait its not decaf.

  15. I’m thirsy

  16. Hey! Hey, you! Yes, big yellow thing! Give me some water!!!!!!!!!

  17. Life Scout 28 // November 10, 2007 at 9:19 am // Reply

    Hey everyone, there’s a lot of Tang in here

  18. water…need…water.

  19. WOAH! you should lay off the chesse man.

  20. What up with you!? Are you gonna move or what!

  21. Hey now we need bug juice too!

  22. pikachulover2000 // November 10, 2007 at 2:45 am // Reply

    Nope. He`s not hiding in here

  23. So…thirsty…..need…..drink…..

  24. These new showers, you can never tell how they’ll look next!

  25. Now to wash down the nut that I took from the scouts.

  26. okay, where’s my nuts!?! I’ve paied $3.00 for 5 nuts, and it still hasn’t come for 20 minutes!!!

  27. Awe, man! It’s watery!

  28. give me some water i will be nice if you give me some.

  29. Must have green tea from……………..jug!

  30. huh it won’t turn on, “Honey did we forget to pay the water bill again?”

  31. I hope this is dacaf

  32. Wow! These boy scouts are really prepared!!

  33. How do you work this thing?

  34. I wonder,…. maybe if I stare at this long enough… then maybe water will shoot out and I can ACTUALLY GET A DRINK!

  35. Nope…. they STILL haven’t re-filled it! Oh, well….

  36. Aw, Man! They ran outta punch again! And I didn’t even get a drop!


  38. Hmm…i wonder how this liquid tastes like.Hopefully,it tastes better than lastweeks yellow drink!

  39. You just wait, little insect. I’ll find a way in….eventually.

  40. Joey? You in there?

  41. So….. hot….outside……

  42. gulp gulp gulp

  43. Now i just have to press the button!

  44. wilderness commando // November 9, 2007 at 4:36 pm // Reply

    That’s it. No more mexican food.

  45. How do you turn this thing on?Hmmmm.I wonder

  46. Alright! Taste the water then swim in it. Scouts are great at this conserving stuff!!

  47. Hey, how do you turn this water saving shower on?

  48. What are you doing?

  49. (Sniff,sniff) Whoa! Hold up there Scoutmaster! Your milk spoiled!

  50. Hey, come on! I’ll be nice! Just let me have a drink!

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