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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? What is this lizard doing and what is he thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

Thanks to “Socsoobdsb” for this great photo.

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53 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo


  2. This shoe is a little to big. Could i have a size 2?

  3. Dad always said “If the shoe fits!”

  4. time for the other shoe to come down, pal!

  5. home sweet home whoo it stincks in here

  6. The shoe isn’t too big, I’m too small

  7. if the shoe fits wear it

  8. uh….I might need the next 300 sizes down please!

  9. I think i need a bigger shoe!

  10. Shoe shopping

  11. cool

  12. You’ve got some big shoes to fill!

  13. My dream came true, I became a sandel!!!

  14. Man, I can’t find anything my size!

  15. oops! i guess i am BEARfooted guy!

  16. I told you already this is my shoe quit trying to take it from me!

  17. surfs up bro’s

  18. I hate shoe shopping.

  19. I think this sandel might, be too big.

  20. They told me i could be anything i wanted so i became a sandel

  21. ninjacatspider22 // September 24, 2012 at 12:44 pm // Reply

    I have got to get a smaller size i keep forgetting

  22. Well it looks like the lizard has found a home.

  23. i need a smaller size

  24. There once was a lizard who lived in a shoe….

  25. well…i guess this will work 4 a shoe house.

  26. the shoe is to big.

  27. “Whoop, too big!”

  28. scoutninja1243 // September 23, 2012 at 8:14 am // Reply

    mmmhh….. maybe this is a little too big for me.

  29. I will find you brother!

  30. Hey Ma! You mind if I get stepped on?

  31. There’s good news and bad news. The good news is that I found a new home. The bad news is that there is no roof. SUCH A BUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. It fits, but it feels… loose.

  33. Don`t step on me!

  34. i need a better roof

  35. maybe i should try size 6.

  36. yes a new pair of shoes and a new car

  37. My window is broken, and now I don’t have any money to fix it

  38. Oh great, now my ice cream has freezre burns

  39. I found a pig in my back yard!

  40. Mom, are you SURE I’m size 6?

  41. I thought I ordered size 1 not 13

  42. do you think my new shoes are small

  43. my new house is airy

  44. Thanks, but it’s a bit big.

  45. I climbed this table for this!!!

  46. Nice place for a nap

  47. lets try a size 1 youth

  48. “there was a old lizard who lived in a shoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  49. Like my ride?

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