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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? What is this kid doing and what is he thinking?

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52 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Three months ago, I was just an acorn!

  2. Leaf me alone, I’m hiding!

  3. Leaf me alone. I’m trying to sleep.

  4. She said she would let me out…

  5. Hey guys I found a way up!

  6. This was the wrong location for a staring contest

  7. next best thing to a blanket.

  8. help!!!!!!! my worst nightmare being eaten by a leaf pile.

  9. “Daddy, is there a football game tonight?

  10. My homemade leaf picture frame

  11. This was the perfect place to build my secret fort!

  12. Hahaha. Secretly I am TERRIFFIED!!!!!!

  13. leave the leaves be

  14. Has anyone seen my leg?

  15. Hey yo! I’m a leafhead!

  16. Oh my, I’m sinking help me, help me!!!

  17. The attack of the leaves!!!!!!!

  18. pianomaster123 // January 23, 2013 at 11:52 pm // Reply

    They will NEVER know I’m here

  19. Help, I’m being eaten by a bunch of leaves!

  20. OH NO… THE RAKE!!!!!!!


  22. COOkie monster9 // January 23, 2013 at 5:23 pm // Reply

    down! periscope! dive! dive!

  23. Leapin’ Lizards! I’m being eaten alive by a tree!

  24. what is this it is quick sand quick sand! QUICK SAND RUN FOR YOUR LIVES

  25. I have been stuck in here for weeks and I keep calling for help but people think there crazy.

  26. I am the hide and seek master

  27. Maybe if I hide here…..I won’t have to eat my broccoli…..

  28. I hope my mom can’t find me in here so I don’t have to do my homework!

  29. I hate it when mom and dad make me rake the mutant leaves.

  30. I really wish I hadn’t bathed in superglue!

  31. I love leaves. so I buried myself in leaves

  32. The Man from the 'Burgh // January 21, 2013 at 10:10 am // Reply

    Help ! There is a hidden quicksand trap under these leaves!

  33. Finally, someone noticed me. I’ve been in here for a week eating my way out of these leaves! Man, vegan’s have it rough!

  34. Cheeseburger…

  35. Well, the fun police caught me and put me in a leaf jail… so… Hi guys!

  36. This is not the droid you wer looking for.

  37. Son,where are you?


  39. Well Mom , you see i was rakeing the yard and…

  40. trevosaurus14 // January 15, 2013 at 2:45 pm // Reply

    Ahhhh!!!! The leaf monster is attacking me!!!!!!

  41. This is the best hiding spot ever

  42. Wow! I found an ancient tunnel!

  43. Best hide and seek spot ever they will never find me

  44. Help I’m drowning!!!!

  45. The leaves have eaten me. Help!

  46. this is winter not fall so get out.

  47. hee hee hee… NO ONE WILL EVER FIND ME NOW!!!!!!! oops!

  48. Now my friends will never find me, not until they rake the leaves that is!

  49. me myself and I // January 10, 2013 at 1:08 pm // Reply

    We have found it! The leaf pile of eternal youth!

  50. monkeyman55 // January 8, 2013 at 7:44 pm // Reply

    my mom cant know im in here becous ive got her special plate with me

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