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Write a funny caption for this photo



What’s going on in this picture? What is the helicopter pilot doing and what is he thinking?

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51 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. I do not fallow rules, i’m in the Army

  2. Okay, let’s park here. Oh gosh! There’s a security dog! Pull up! Pull up!

  3. Really???????? We are in WW3 and YOU are worrying about GRASS?!?!?!?!?

  4. I didn’t park, I landed!

  5. Signs are just suggestions. Just like speed limits.

  6. hope the cops don’t get us. should’ve checked the gas before we left, gotta get more.

  7. We’re going to get a ticket from the MPs.

  8. Is this a trick question?

  9. Um…Do those rule apply to millitery hellacopters?

  10. Yes! First ones here, we got the best parking spot!

  11. Wait, I thought the sign said “Land your copter fast”!

  12. Somebody quick get a red marker to cross of the NO!

  13. Now lets go do this at the free parking spots!

  14. We know people. We get to do this all of the time.

  15. Sorry, ma’am, but I’m afraid the impending war is far more important than your grass. Besides, weren’t you supposed to evacuate the war zone!?

  16. Meritbadgemonster // November 14, 2013 at 9:05 am // Reply

    It said no parking not no landing.

  17. Ummm…. Got special orders to stop helicopter, but I can’t park it.

  18. I told you to check the gas before we left!

  19. this is a branch of the forest rangers. this is their airborne division

  20. well it was your gps!

  21. NAILED IT……

  22. TYRONE YUP YUP // November 13, 2013 at 7:08 pm // Reply

    Technecly this dosn’t count as parking.

  23. Lets just say its a dog

  24. I thought this was a heli-lot.

  25. that guy over there // November 13, 2013 at 6:18 pm // Reply

    Sorry. That sign is 5 years old and was supposed to be taken down 4 years ago.

  26. That’s not parked. It driver just landed, turned off his engine, then left to buy a doughnut.

  27. Sorry, but I needed to do some “business” in the woods.

  28. ???? Nobody Knows.... // November 13, 2013 at 5:42 pm // Reply

    I’m pretty sure they mean blimps.

  29. “Parking is meant for cars, right?”

  30. I land, don’t park.

  31. Lets just walk away slowy like this never happend. Nevermind! The police are coming run!

  32. we didn’t walk on it. we landed on it.

  33. TrollingTheNoob // November 13, 2013 at 12:43 pm // Reply

    Ummmmm….. im just gonna get out of here. *RUUUUUNNNNNN!!!*

  34. dynamite kid 7345 // November 13, 2013 at 11:04 am // Reply

    Yeah, whatever! This is a helicopter, not a car. And besides, I have M60 machine guns!

  35. Pilot: What does sign say?
    Copilot: I don’t know. Why?
    Pilot: I’m just curious. How about you go and see what it says.
    Copilot: Yes sir.
    Few minutes later…
    Copilot: Move to helicopter!
    Pilot: Why?
    Copilot: It says Don’t park on grass.
    Pilot: OK. We are taking off now.

  36. Construct_master // November 13, 2013 at 10:23 am // Reply

    No Parking?! Seriously!? You’re forgetting that we are chasing a world-renowned crook!

  37. You’re insinuating I put that there? I’m offended.

  38. Hey! Call the police! Wait. We are the police.

  39. We should have stopped at that last gas station

  40. Dude. Does the word unemployed mean anything to you??

  41. um where were the pilot traning exercisizes again?

  42. At least we don’t park. We land.

  43. soilyourplants // November 12, 2013 at 1:37 am // Reply

    Let’s see. I got 10 missiles and 2 boxes of amunition…. who’s going to stop me?

  44. I don’t think this is a landing-pad…

  45. So what?! I’m a helicopter!

  46. minecraftlord // November 11, 2013 at 6:57 pm // Reply

    wait, we aren’t supposed to be here…. YOLO 🙂

  47. If nobody looks at it, its not a violation.

  48. If it’s a helicopter it doesn’t count, right?

  49. Unreal Steve the 1st // November 11, 2013 at 3:51 pm // Reply

    Landing, however, is a different story!

  50. I’m not parking on the grass, I’m just sitting here.

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