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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? Why is that bear hanging out in a tree and what is he thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Hey, guys!
    You Gotta try this!

  2. What? Never seen a bear in a tree before?

  3. Ahhhhhh….It hit the spot!


  5. get up and go // December 14, 2008 at 6:10 pm // Reply

    I will be able to catch Santa for sure! from up here.

  6. The invasion of sporks have come….

  7. Buy your tree bear now for only $29.99!!!(plus shipping and handling)

  8. Must…Balance…carefully…..

  9. I never should have eaten that strawberry-banana milkshake with five cherries, two cheese burgers, a hot dog, and those six bowls of chocolate covered ice cream with caramel!

  10. Just because the other bears think that Pedro is going to come on his mail route and I am so BORED does NOT mean I want an alfalfa milkshake!

  11. This is fun, but how do I get down?

  12. Whoa! No wonder the monkys do this. I can see my den from here.

  13. “Where’s the hunny?”

  14. dang parachute…

  15. me? lazy? naaaaaaaa.

  16. I’m so bored, no one comes anymore to try to take pictures before they have to run away

  17. I wonder my feet will get tired just hanging

  18. wow, trying to catch people that stare at you is hard work, I’m so tired

  19. my name is fozzie i am in the tree because I found a block of cheese up here!

  20. iiiii want a tribot for christmas

  21. im goin to wait here till santa bring my tribot

  22. I’m dreaming of a white Christmas

  23. Anonymous jr. // December 13, 2008 at 4:59 pm // Reply

    I take after my mom.
    P.S. She’s a koala.

  24. Ahh…the dog days of summer!

  25. that feels better

  26. UH!! Yea, i’m stuck.

  27. that was the fastest rabbit ever!!!

  28. Man, Mondays are such a drag!

  29. I wonder how long till this branch snaps?

  30. ever have one of those days?

  31. man how do monkeys do this stuff all day. well go night.

    P.S. i will attempt to get out tomorrow.

  32. Wow, the bark give’s a great massage!

  33. how far did I fall?

  34. Best tree house ever!!

  35. jaz0987654321` // December 11, 2008 at 6:46 pm // Reply

    I wonder how long it will it take for the bees to build another beehive just for me to destroy.

  36. Ahhh nothing like little hibernation!

  37. Ah those pesky people sure where tasty.

  38. stupid yard sale hammock!

  39. I’m tired.i want people to eat.

  40. He thinks he’s a koala!!!

  41. stop staring.

  42. This feels good!!!!

  43. huntermandude // December 10, 2008 at 4:41 pm // Reply

    You think the hunter will notice I’m not a monkey?

  44. ummmmm i like acting like a koala. this is comfy. lets take a nap

  45. Lego Star Wars Master // December 10, 2008 at 3:30 pm // Reply

    am I a sloth or am I a bear? either one I’m tired.

  46. Wow I can see everything up here

  47. I hear something in the bark!

  48. The monkeys were right, this feels so good.

  49. The hunter won’t find me here

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