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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? Why are those Scouts hanging around a portable toilet, and what are they thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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Thanks to “Cubmaster” for providing this photo.

50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. bradisgreat93 // January 27, 2009 at 12:56 pm // Reply

    Shawn, come on out, we were kidding about the toilet monsters inside of the house.

  2. “WOW!! Did he really need that much TP. He should have recycled from last trip.”

  3. Welcome to our campsite boys.

  4. This is what they call roughing it in the suburbs.

  5. Scout: I thought we were going to use pit laterines! I’m not prepared for port-a-potties.

  6. uh… maybe we should send a search party for timmy… those pits are endless…

  7. scout:HELP MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    leader: O.K. let me walk you through this thing.

  8. Like bees to honey, we were drawn here by the smell.

  9. Knock on the door, there is no cat in there,or mabye.

  10. How long has it been? Holy cow! Three hours!? I’ll see if he’s passed out. After all, Jimmy did win the bean-eating contest.

  11. Scout Leader: Boys, did you glue the seat after I told you a million times not to? Scouts: No?

  12. Scout #1: “I wonder if those Trash Bags have anything to do with that Port-A-Potty!”
    Scout #2: “I bet they do!”
    Scout #3: “I REALLY dont wanna know whats in those Trash Bags!!!”
    Scout #4: “Me neither!!!”

  13. Unfortunately, we have to empty them ourselves… will we need more trash cans?

  14. Kr3wjordanskater // January 26, 2009 at 8:07 pm // Reply

    why are we standing in a line formation next to the portable bathrooms?? anyone?? anyone??

  15. Must be a big one.

  16. GET OUT BILLY!!!!!!! ITS BEEN 2 HOURS!!!!!!!

  17. Leader: What’s taking so long in there?!?!?!?
    Scout: Uhhhhhh, I think I had to many beans on last nights camping trip!

  18. I thought BLUE was for recycling!!!

  19. DID YOU NEED THE TOFO FOR LUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, I shoulda brought my Febreeze


  21. So you see kids in the past you didn’t have the acsess to use the batheroom like you do know. So back then i wouldn’t drink to many liquids.

  22. WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It’s gonna blow!!!!!!

  23. 3……2……1…….BLAST OFF!!!

  24. This Porter Potty is such a great work of art. I just can’t get away from it.

  25. Did somebody leave a magizine in there again?

  26. Sheepdogboy4 // January 26, 2009 at 5:16 pm // Reply

    Wow! We really need to clean that out sometime!

  27. Starcraft_Rulz47 // January 26, 2009 at 5:16 pm // Reply

    AAAAAKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!! BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. “Stand back boys, I guess when i dropped my ham sandwhich last night the bears must have really liked it!”

  29. Mathew:Are you sure it was the beans that him. I think he is practicing what he is going to say at the pack meeting… a little to hard though. He has been there for an hour!

  30. Billy: (from portable toilet) Guys! Cooking that chilli with beans for breakfast might not have been a good idea after all!
    Sean: No kidding! I still cant believe you had three bowls!

  31. Leader:It says green, but I hear something…nock, or don’t nock…
    Den:HURRY UP ALL READY!!!!!!!

  32. do you think the monsters out yet?

  33. Leader: you know i really should have rethought that whole bean thing last night
    Scout: ya think!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. STAND BACK SCOUTS!!!!!!!!!!…..(whispering), I just saw it move!!

  35. larefdhkflshg;paufygl // January 26, 2009 at 4:06 pm // Reply

    “Once their was a toilet, toilet, toilet, once their was a toilet, smelly, smelly, smelly!”

  36. ****CORRECTION*****
    I would be at fault if I failed to tell you that the scouts prepared you for everything…except this!!

  37. scuba dude 642 // January 26, 2009 at 3:46 pm // Reply

    “Is bobby still in there?”

  38. “That’s the type of toliet they have, I’m never coming here again.

  39. It looks like they smelled something bad

  40. Sheesh…That Spam and Jerky went right through him!

  41. Maybe Thomas shouldn’t have had so many beans we have been waiting to use the bathroom for days!

  42. Ya know…scouts, Jimmy’s been in that thing for about 2 hours now. And since he had four helping of beans last night ’cause he sure loves his beans, I’m not too sure that your gonna have a very pleasant experience. I’m would be at fault if I told you that the scouts have prepared you for everything…except this!!

  43. “Ew. You go in it.”
    “No! I’m not going in it, you go in!”

  44. What did tommy eat for lunch?

  45. Mabye it’s not haunted after all, i’ll go in.

  46. this is terrible. why did we have to have chili for dinner last night?

  47. Man that smells good. Gather round guys cause it does’nt get any better than this.

  48. leader:are you okay in there? scout: no,I forgot my toilet paper! leader:no merit badge for you. scout:why! leader:you are supposed to be prepared!

  49. hey bob, you done in there yet?

  50. …So you see kids, people in the past didn’t have access to the bathrooms you have, these things were called “Portable toilets” and just be glad you don’t have to use them. Moving on over here we see…

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