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What are no-see-ums?

Biting midges, or “no-see-ums,” are winged insects from the Ceratopogonidae family, which includes over 4,000 species. They are tiny gnat-like insects (only 1-3 mm long) and, like black flies, inflict painful bites.

Biting midges can be a nuisance to campers, fishermen, hunters, hikers, gardeners, and others who spend time outdoors during early morning and evenings, and even during the daytime on still, cloudy days. They readily bite humans, but they are so small that they may look like black lint or some flecks of dirt. Consequently, the person being bitten often cannot see what is doing the biting — hence the name “no-see-ums!”

Biting midges are sometimes incorrectly referred to as “sand flies.” Sand flies are insects that belong to a different biological group and should not be confused with biting midges. Interestingly, both male and female biting midges feed on nectar; however, only the females feed on blood, which is needed for the maturation of fertilized eggs. The Culicoides genus, in particular, is known to occasionally feed on animals and humans and acts as a possible vector in the transmission of diseases such as Oropouche fever, filariasis, and Japanese encephalitis, though disease transmission to humans in North America is extremely rare.

The distribution of biting midges in the genus Culicoides is world-wide; 47 species are known to occur in Florida alone! Species belonging to the genus Leptoconops occur in the tropics, sub-tropics, the Caribbean, and some coastal areas of southeast Florida. They are often found in or around environments characterized by mud or moist soil around streams, ponds, and marshes. They fly only in the warm months of the year and are most active before and during dusk.

Bites can lead to severely itchy bumps or hives, which are the most common lesions observed with biting midge attacks. Because “no-see-um” bites may occur without known (or even suspected) contact with Culicoides, it is important to remember several clues that may help make the diagnosis of a biting midge-induced rash. First, bumps are usually found only in areas of exposed skin on the legs or forearms; such lesions tend to end abruptly at areas normally protected by clothing. Second, family members or friends may have similar lesions, usually acquired within the same time period. Third, recent travel history to areas where “no-see-ums” are known to be active can often be elicited if the time is taken to inquire.

Although the skin bite reactions are temporary, biting midge lesions often require several weeks for complete resolution to occur. Lesions can be extremely itchy and can lead to intense scratching. First aid management includes oral antihistamines and topical steroids to relieve itching and inflammation. In addition, the threshold for starting oral antibiotics should be low given the risk of bacterial super-infection secondary to scratching.

11 Comments on What are no-see-ums?

  1. After being bitten it is recommended to use witch hazel on a cotton swab,do this whenever itch gets bad, then use over the counter anti-histamine, Diphenhydramine HCI 25mg.

    Good luck…..

  2. Buy some bug fogger one for each room in the house.

  3. I was covered and researched different methods to get comfort. What really worked for me was a very hot Epsom salts bath(one in the am, another at dinner time) to relieve the extreme itch followed by prescription hydrocortisone lotion 2.5%. The over the counter hydrocortisone cream is not nearly strong enough.

  4. Mix peppermint oil and water in small spray bottle. I spray a mist of this on me. It keeps them off of me. No-see-ums and spiders do not like peppermint oil.

  5. Spray peppermint oil mixed with water .That is the only thing I have found to keep them off of me. I have a small spray bottle that I spray a mist of it on me. It works. I can only find peppermint oil in small bottles. It can get expensive.

    • That’s probably a myth because there isn’t any evidence that midges favor one blood type over another. There is CO2 in all of the blood types and CO2 has no smell. Some blood types have more CO2 than others but midges source a blood meal by smell therefore CO2 doesn’t attract them. They can pick up a desirable scent from nearly a mile away. They have a verrous drive to get the blood so they can sustain the life of their eggs as they develop into their next stage. They can’t hear to guide them to the blood source but they can see very well as they fly toward it. The smell grows stronger as they approach. What do they smell? Body odors that exude
      sour perspiration odors. Outside activities like cutting grass, running, gardening or other work or play that causes physical stressful, tips off where their next victim is located. Some of those sweating individuals don’t get bitten, it is argued. They get to choose the smell they like best!
      Protect ourself with repellents but be aware they are after skin and easily crawl up shelves, down pants legs and collars. They may not bit until after you go inside. The inside of your clothes may be crawling with them. Put those clothes in plastic garbage bags and seal tightly so they don’t get in your house. Wash with cold water (they hate being cold) and that will paralyze their grip so they drown and go out of the drain. Shower with hot water immediately!!!! The hot water will stop the itching and dabbing on some Witch Hazel will stop any swelling. Nothing will kill them except DEET which is restricted in its use. Start in March using lawn treatment for mosquitos. Hope this helps!

  6. I got bit several (literally hundreds) of times while camping. I felt stinging around my elbows, face, and legs. The welps or hives didn’t show up right away, in fact, some are still showing their little ugly selves, still, a day later. I used Cutter bug spray but it was applied too late to do any good. The little critters already did a job on my skin. I have taken over the counter benydryl and used hydrocortisone but they still itch terribly.

  7. midge food // August 1, 2015 at 9:55 pm // Reply

    Got over 150 of these bites in south Missouri. Miserable vacation. Thanks for the good article.

  8. I got bit by one a few minutes’s hurts like crazy now

  9. I got bit while posting this comment

  10. my friend got bites from gardening. Exterminator sprayed her yard to get rid of them. No more bites!

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