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Can You Identify These Animal Tracks?

Animal track illustrations are courtesy of Lynn Levine and Martha Mitchell. For more information see Mammal Tracks and Scat: Life-Size Tracking Guide or click on

14 Comments on Can You Identify These Animal Tracks?

  1. Sisterofaboyscout // August 24, 2018 at 10:05 am // Reply

    This was so fun! Luv lookin on Boy Life!! OMG! Thx!

  2. Banana

    Read More

  3. I got the xbox

  4. this is riged

  5. I love these test. I’m not very good at them ( actually really bad), but they sure are fun!

  6. πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ // February 7, 2017 at 12:59 pm // Reply


  7. What are those! // November 29, 2016 at 1:40 pm // Reply

    It was sooooooo easy!!!!!!!

  8. Handed out a study sheet to Cub Scouts yesterday. This is going to be a fun exercise for them next week.

  9. On my phone only 2 choices appear and only 2 times were the correct animals pictured. I tried to scroll to see other choices, but it wouldn’t let me. I redid the test 3 times but still only 2 choices…but they randomly rotate the choices…no more than 3 correct pictures in the choices…but I did learn to identify the ones I didn’t know…thank you.

    • very cool ha in my dreams i think i did the same thing find new and improved animal skills to learn about what the new things i could have learned for real my teacher was like u did good but the real thing i like about this is that it gives u a chance to really put your mind to what you don’t know about animals that you dint already know about.

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