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How to Do Pushups Correctly


Pushups strengthen chest, arm, shoulder and stomach muscles. Correct form helps you avoid injury and get the most from your workout.

1. Lie facedown with hands slightly rotated inward at mid-chest, slightly wider than shoulders. Look at floor to avoid neck strain.

2. Starting position: Rise, balancing on hands and toes while keeping legs, back and rear end flat. (Too hard? Try knees on the floor with legs bent and feet up.)

3. Inhale as you slowly lower yourself until elbows are at 90 degrees, keeping body in a straight line.

4. Think of pushing the floor away from you as you straighten your arms, keeping body straight. Exhale as your arms straighten out, keeping elbows slightly bent.

See how many you can do. Start with a goal of six sets of five repetitions.

6 Comments on How to Do Pushups Correctly

  1. I tried this and I am still doing the same way I have been doing

  2. How do I know if my back is completely straight?

  3. This video is very helpful. Does anyone else think so?

  4. Me…tired(pant,pant).

  5. Thanks for the tips. I’ll make sure and remember them.

  6. Now try doing 100 of those with a Drill Sargent’s boot in your shoulder blades. thats what I had to do and MUCH more when I was in paratrooper training.

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