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Biceps Flexion (Curl)


A few keys to remember:

· Progress gradually. Don’t try to do too much too soon. Listen to your body. When you need a rest, rest.

· A solid program must train both the upper and lower body.

· Know why you are performing each exercise. Set goals and lift weights because you want to, not because someone wants you to.

· Always breathe during a repetition and go through a full range of motion.

· Always consult with your family doctor before beginning any new exercise program.

22 Comments on Biceps Flexion (Curl)

  1. What is the advantage of exercising with a sleeveless shirt?

  2. This video is helpful. Does anyone else think so?

  3. toxicmonKEY // August 24, 2012 at 6:39 pm // Reply

    I can’t wait until I ‘m back in tip top form!

  4. Doing isolation before compounds in really rather dumb.

  5. This is somethin i could do. it even works your pecs

  6. thanks for these tips they really helped my muscles r just how i want them and my pecs r good 2. i agree with kev b/c it is kool 2 see ur muscles and pecs working

  7. quesodude, what would you define as a crazy amount of repititions?

  8. I agree with Quesodude,

    cool name quesodude

  9. It’s not all about how much you weight you can lift. Heavier weights build bigger muscles but lighter weights with more repetitions help build more muscle definition. Lift the lighter weights untill you can do a crazy amount of reps and then switch to a heavier wait, that way you build muscle definition and bigger muscles.

  10. Some extra tips: the bicep should be worked in different angles, so include a hammer curl and overhand curl. Also, going past a 45 degree angle from the elbow does not put any resistance on your bicep. If you have to swing or shorten your arm by bending your wrists your using too much weight.

  11. I agree with Kev

  12. I find it’s good to do this exercise with your shirt off and in front of the mirror. 3 reasons for this: 1) to watch your form 2) to motivate you to give it all you got and 3) to remind you that doing this will make you hot

  13. i can do that with a 70 pound wight

  14. hey can u just work out one arm at a time? instead of 2 at once?

  15. guitarmasta // July 20, 2008 at 8:26 am // Reply

    this guy should work more than his upper body

  16. I found the wii its hard trust me

  17. I love scouts // January 29, 2008 at 6:58 pm // Reply

    Im tryiing to look for Pedro so i can win a wii its fun but hard and if i find it and win it i would be glad becouse iv always wanted a wii. have fun looking for Pedro!

  18. yea, where is Pedro???

  19. where is pedro i cant find him

  20. This should be on youtube.

  21. These are cool But why isn’t this on t.v?

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