Endless Ocean: Blue World game review
C’mon in: The water’s fine in this newest version of Endless Ocean.
Want to go deep-sea diving? How about getting up close to a massive whale and its one-month-old calf? Even if you’re a licensed diver, you’ll enjoy the underwater adventures and the attention paid to detail in Endless Ocean: Blue World.
ENDLESS OCEAN: BLUE WORLD Nintendo for Wii, Rated E10+ for Everyone 10 and Older ![]() Graphics: 8.5 Gameplay: 8.0 Sounds: 7.0 Replay Value: 8.0 Overall Score: 8.0 Pros: Good story line and quests, multiplayer via WiFi connection, tons of sea creatures. Cons: Characters don’t talk via audio, just text; petting wild animals such as bears makes it seem unreal; not enough weird undersea creatures. Official Web Site: www.endlessocean.com |
You’ll like Blue World even if you didn’t care for the first version of this game. That’s because Blue World is not just about exploring the sea and its creatures (which is pretty cool in itself). It’s about completing quests and becoming involved in a story that’s almost as deep as the ocean is blue.
Before you can begin, you have to complete a system update. This takes longer than usual, about five minutes. But then you’re ready to jump in.
Right away, you’re introduced to the sea during a scene at a long wooden dock leading to a tropical island. You hear the soft splashing of the sea. Then you hear a kind of sappy opening song sung a little too seriously. Thankfully, it doesn’t last long.
As you watch the opening, you discover an undersea building. Who knows? Maybe it’s part of the lost city of Atlantis. You’re also introduced to tough Captain Louvier, who reveals that he can no longer dive because he got a bad case of the bends during an adventure. It’s a warning to you that the sea is not always kind to adventurers.
You also meet Oceana, the captain’s cute daughter. This independent-minded girl will be your undersea guide during expeditions. You’re also asked to customize your character, but there’s not much here. Choose male or female, skin color and a couple of facial features. That’s about it.
The captain and Oceana tell you about the mysterious Song of Dragons, bit by bit. As you journey to solve the mystery, you go from coral reefs to the rivers of the Amazon filled with sharp-toothed piranhas. In the Arctic, you find penguins and polar bears you can pet. In the distant Pacific, a scientist helps you find Okeano’s Treasure.
Unfortunately, you must read the characters’ words and scroll through the text with the ‘A’ button. But you get used to it pretty quickly. It’s the diving that you want to be exciting, and it really is.
What’s it like to dive? It’s pretty easy. The game starts you off much the same way a real-life instructor would if you were just starting out in open water. The water’s no deeper than 13 feet. You see a magical paradise full of tropical fish, some a few inches, some a couple of feet long.
To check out a fish, point your Wii remote at one and press ‘A’ to focus in on, say, a goby or clown fish. Press ‘A’ again, and you get a pretty detailed story about the species, including some cool trivia.
You can feed and touch some of them, too. (Some don’t want to be fed or touched, though.) You have useful tools at your disposal, including the Pulsar device, which helps you cure sick creatures and slow the more aggressive ones that might come after you. The Underwater Pen lets you mark locations in case you need to go back and search more carefully. With the Camera, take and save pictures of any of the 300 forms of wildlife you encounter.
Eventually, you’ll come upon a smart dolphin. You’ll be able to teach the mammal tricks and marvel at his jumping. Then you can latch on to his fin for some super-fast swimming. (You can also latch onto the whale at the beginning of game.)
You can explore these new worlds with a friend via your WiFi broadband connection. And since the game comes bundled with the WiiSpeak microphone, you can chat as you check out the reefs and caves.
It’s the story and quests that keep you curious. What is that underwater civilization all about? (You’ll eventually check it out. Just don’t run out of air in the maze of ruins.) And what’s the meaning of those coins that you find along the way?
Of course, the aquatic lover in you will constantly check out the various rays, sea turtles and more.
As you complete your quests, you’ll level up and be able to dive deeper into the sea. You might even see an oarfish or a 30-foot-long giant squid, something real-life scientists rarely find. This beast has giant eyes, the biggest of any living animal on the planet. I won’t tell you the trouble he gets into. It’s pretty awesome, though.
Be careful of that shark. Swim away as fast as you can if he decides to head your way.
As you root around underwater, you’ll come across salvage items. Keep them and take them to a trader named Nancy on Nineball Island, your home on land. In exchange, you’ll get new wetsuits, masks and the like.
Finally, Endless Ocean: Blue World has a nice price. Compared to other Wii games, it’s about $10 less. If you’re willing to take a chance on a game that isn’t full of crazy action every second, you’ll be rewarded with a truly memorable experience.
i want the polar bear!!!!!!!!!!
The polar bear is in the arctic. Iwould say about c3.
i will get the game this week soo pumped, looks awesome.
im trying to find the sea serpent and i cant find it anywhere!!! what do u have to do in order ot find it? ive hears rumors about it and even seen a video of it. help me!
You have to complete over three maps then talk to oceana. Keep talking to her about it and then she will tell you where to look.
how do u find the turtle?!?!?!
Ok you to buy a campfire from nancy. Then you have to get a dog in the northeast island of gatama atoll. Once snorkel ( The dog ) is by the campfire, pet him, and a little cutscene will appear. You have a little talk with jean eric. Then you abviously go to the west of cake rock, then you must surface. You can take it from there.
i love it but i cannot find the cave in southwest gatama atoll
You find the cave at the blue cliff.
games coolio just stuck on the part right after the dolphin trainer shows up idk who to befriend?help?
ok i have finished the game but jean-eric keeps saying “why dont you go back to the cavern of the gods maybe there is something you missed before” does anyone know what i may have missed?
Can someone help me with this question too. I can’t find the treeasure of pelago.
I have another question. I don’t know how to find the legendary leatherback sea turtle. PLEASE! I’m beggin for someone to help me!
you have to buy a telescope from nancy and place it on the island look through it at night or on the night of a full moon and you will see a large shadow in the water jean-eric will say something to you about where he thinks it is then you go dive and find it
I was talking about the legendary leatherback turtle. And the info that you gave me didn’t really help at all. I know because I tried it.
If you have found the dog it barks at a dissapearing island, near cake rock.
do you mean cocha maujuha? go to gatama atola at night and look near atola gate or dought rock plese reply if it works that is how i got it
Good guess, but that’s not it, heres how to do it, you need the campfire and dog. Pet the dog by the campfire, then there’s a cutscene with the dog barking and Jean-Eric. You go to cake rock and surface at the west, go to Gatama’s Navel so you get to see him. No offense, and I hope you don’t take this in a rude way, but you spelt most of the letters wrong. What did you mean by dought rock, don’t you mean “Cake Rock?”
find dog pet him by camp fire and he will point you were it is
I love this game but diving deep and facing the sharks TERRIFY me, not for the faint of heart…. that’s for sure.
It is cool but the shark costum to hard to get