Tips for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
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I began my PokeQuest with Chimchar, the fire monkey, and soon added a Geodude, Shinx and Shellos to my crew. Geodude, who evolves into Graveler and then Golem, is a rock/ground Pokemon who is impervious to electric attacks and stands up well against flying and fire Pokemon. His Magnitude attack wipes out all kinds of opponents, but he is useless against water and plant enemies.
![]() Chimchar, the Diamond and Pearl answer to Charizard, is a cute monkey with a flaming tail. When he evolves into Infernape, his hairdo goes flaming, too. |
Hence, I also have Chimchar, who burns through plants. For fighting water Pokemon, I captured a Shinx, which evolved into a Luxio who evolved into a Luxray—a relatively competent electric Pokemon.
You should always strive to have the basics—fire, water, ground and electric—in your party. You can combine elements (Gyrados has fire and water, Infernape has fire and fight) but you need to cover your bases.
I generally do not carry ghost or psychic Pokemon. I know, there are a lot of you out there who will swear by Alakazam and Mewtwo. But you can teach Luxray Bite—a dark attack that wipes out psychic and ghost Pokemon in a hurry.
Get your water, electric, ground and fire attacks down pat, and you will have an answer for any situation.
Tips from Nintendo
In Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl, the way Moves affect opponents have changed. Physical Moves strike the opponent up close and use the Attack stat, where as Special Moves strike from afar and use the Special Attack stat. Knowing the difference between the two greatly improves your battle strategy.
Have your Pokemon learn moves that cover its weaknesses. For example, have a Fighting-type Pokemon learn a Ice-type or Dark-type move.
Pay attention to a Pokemon’s ability. Quite a few Pokemon have more than one available to them. A Pokemon’s ability like Levitate can make the difference in a battle.
If you have taught your Pokemon the wrong move, don’t fret! There are people in the Sinnoh that can help. Try looking for the Move Deleter or a Move Tutor. These are people who can help you with your troubles.
More: Game review | Pokemon primer | Games Guru Q&A
not arces I bet
i have arceas
my budew wont evolve either
well like wat levle is ur pokemon minttyfreash12
thats ok i will give you roserade
hay people!!!!!!!!!!! get an arces and then ill talk
i have!!! lv64
i have him at lv 100 🙂
i got it and its lv100 , spooker plate , perish song thunder judment fly
for budew to evolve you have to have a high friendship
they evole at level 22
to make a budew evolve you have to give it poffins/berries/pokebloks and not let it faint to much so it really likes u. theres a poketech app for home much a pokemon likes u dont know where to get it thuogh so to make a budew evolve make it realy like u then level it up a bit and wala!!! :-). Same when u want ur golbat to evolve into crobat
good tip get a ditto at 218 in the patch of grass
i have
monferno 25
staravia 21
budew 18
luxio 16
dustox 12 recently started training
geodude lv 11 same as ubove
rates happily accepted
I have:
lvl 18 wartortle
lvl 18 grotle
lvl 19 charmelon
lvl 19 monferno
lvl 22 prinplup and a
lvl 23 quilava
me team is
my team on pkmon pearl
blaziken lv 67 (still in training)
swampert lv 59 (still traning)
sceptil lv 100 (awsome at level 100!!)
glalie lv 53
probopass lv73
alakazam lv 92 (cool)
rating well accepted good or bad
but cool team keep on training and u will be champion in no time :))
i wonder if you can get a ho-oh in pokemon crystal??????
to crazy dog i think you can get an OH HO from an egg
i have no legendary pokemon
Who has a budew that wont evolve?
No,my last file I had a Roserade 50.My Budewb evolved at 26.Try friendship?
does anyone have a ditto
shure i do lv. 62
mine wont evolve either!! 🙁
Budew (28)
Monferno (21)
Luxio (16)
Bidoof (13)
Geodude (14)
Staravia (16)
Forest badge
coal badge
Me? I have boxes and boxes and even more boxes of lvl 100’s
i have
luxray (99)
and all badges
i restarted my game yesterday and i already have 6 badges!!!
i have deoxys arcuese you name it or i can get any pokemon there is
I have Arceus, Shaymin, Darkrai, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Groudon, and a shiny Staraptor, all level 100. 😮
how do you get a weavile
level up sneasle at night with razor claw…where to get it…beats me