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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? What is this polar bear doing and what is it thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. mom my mirror isnt working

  2. THAT’S COOL DUDES!!!!!!!!!!

  3. “At least this beats the dentist!”

  4. this polar bear is having trouble with swallowing fish, whole

  5. I’m tired, AND this ice is deliciouse!!!

  6. I LOOK GREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Mom! My tongue’s stuck! Call 911!


  9. Yay!My lifetime supply of ice cream is here! // February 25, 2010 at 6:51 pm // Reply

    read my name.

  10. soccermaster333! // February 25, 2010 at 5:41 pm // Reply

    EWWW!! EWWW!! EWWW!! thats one NASTY!!! seal.

  11. must (pant) get (pant) my (pant) fish!!!

  12. Maybe if I chew on this long enough i will make a hole to China.

  13. Deadlywarlock // February 25, 2010 at 4:32 pm // Reply

    Forget fish! You have ice!! Munch munch!

  14. I’ll never eat those burritos again!

  15. “Come on fish! I’ve benn chasing you for 100 miles, and you just have to stay here!

  16. Boy I’m I tired

  17. im bored

  18. Still down there tommy?

  19. woa is that poalar bear yaning,sleeping or just flexable.

  20. the photo guy had to come the minute my tounge got stuck

  21. Snore… yummy marsh mellows… snore

  22. I hate frozen fish!!

  23. i’m goimg to explode

  24. I’m too tired and I still can,t reach the fish

  25. why must the bear eat ice!? why why?!?!?

  26. I wonder if ice tastes like chicken?

  27. I know that there is a seal under here!

  28. I know your under there u fish,I just cant get you.

  29. toothpick837 // February 24, 2010 at 8:57 pm // Reply

    ohhhhhhhh I ate way too much of that bsa caremal corn

  30. Mommy, the seals are under the ice!

  31. That darn fish is hiding under this ice

  32. i think heys giong into hyperthermia.or hes just saying to him self :i had to many whatyamu call it.

  33. injured child // February 24, 2010 at 7:21 pm // Reply

    Okay I saw this in ice age three but how did THEY get down there

  34. How did that fish get in there!

  35. Oh I really want that tracker device out of my stomach, those hunters have been following me since 10am

  36. ow the pain in the back

  37. Dr. Neon Atom // February 24, 2010 at 6:04 pm // Reply

    I’ve heard of exercising your jaw muscles, but this is ridiculous.

  38. Dr. Neon Atom // February 24, 2010 at 5:56 pm // Reply

    Mom, my tooth hurts!

  39. Ohh man-no more bear bells right after the travellers. Oh, man.

  40. Alright, I know the seal’s comin’ soon…

  41. starwarsnut555 // February 24, 2010 at 4:51 pm // Reply

    Yawnnn…wonder if it’s seal for breakfast.

  42. “must get fish under ice”!

  43. wow those dang fish are in there and im so sleppy im not strong enough

  44. I can’t believe my tonge is stuck to the ice!

  45. nice! This is tasty!

  46. Wheres my stinking fish!!! IT should be here i just put it down!!! I hate this!!!

  47. No one said ice fishing was this hard !

  48. oh come on ! not another cramp!!!!!! and i just knooooow there is a fish under here!!!!!!!!

  49. genral greivous // February 24, 2010 at 2:30 pm // Reply

    I know theres a fish under here somewhere.

  50. so how long can your tongue stick to the ice

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