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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? What is this polar bear doing and what is it thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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54 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. ahhh man! I can’t believe I slept like this again!

  2. Oh man! I slept like this again!

  3. Polar bear gets massive brain freeze.

  4. Oh man, I think I’m getting massive brain freeze.

  5. I can’t seem to fit this ice in my mouth

  6. .............. // February 12, 2010 at 3:12 pm // Reply


  7. Who put glue on my lips!?!

  8. I sure hope that eel wasn’t electric. zzccch!

  9. Why can’t I get the snow cone to work like the Penguins?!?!?!

  10. i envy the penguins who eat fish. i’m bored with snow.

  11. wow cold snow. i envy those penguins.

  12. oh,comon. how much farthur do i have to dig to get the fishy!!!!!!??come out come out wherever you are!

  13. I know there’s a seal under there…I just have to dig harder.

  14. I hate making my own snow cones.

  15. aaahhhh! i shoudn’t of had that last fish!!


  17. I am going to need to break the ice to get the fish

  18. darn Joe was right , my tongue will stick to ice

  19. Super Hero maker // February 11, 2010 at 2:35 pm // Reply

    five more minutes mom…………….OK im up IM UP.

  20. That Eskimo was soooo spicy!!! Oooo….cool my tongue! Much better!

  21. Yeah!!! A giant snow cone!

  22. my mouth is frozen open

  23. why did I bury that bone so deep.

  24. Geez Mom, can’t you let a polar bear sleep?

  25. my tuong is stuck to the ice HELP

  26. Allright! Come on out! We know you’re in there!

  27. whitennerdiest // February 10, 2010 at 7:48 pm // Reply

    I hate grandma’s seagull caserole

  28. Who needs fish? Snow is better. Way better…

  29. Is there even a fish under this ice? Or is it snow? Or is it ice? Oh i’m getting too old for this. *sigh*


  31. Gosh! I didn’t know Dairy Queen made them this big!!

  32. I can’t believe I ate the WHOLE thing!!!

  33. Hmmmm…. needs more salt

  34. Ry cheek iz stuck!

  35. That is good snow

  36. this might be a bad way stop going down the hill.

  37. OM NOM NOM!!!!!
    invisible fishie <:)

  38. I’d like to apply for the snow plow opening.

  39. Haven’t… Eaten… In five… Whole… Minutes!

  40. Die fishie Die!

  41. Hello? Hello? Is anybody there?

  42. Mom, I can’t get my tooth out !!! … Well try harder son.

  43. PU! The port-o-potty is frozen 15 ft. under ice!!!

  44. im eating my invisible penguin and fish

  45. Global warming is nearly killing me.

  46. Kleenex please!


  48. Another perfect day for a polar bear. Nothing acomplished.

  49. No wonder I cant get the fish I’m in a giant frozen waistland!!!!!!!

  50. I LOVE SNOW!!!!!!!!!!

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